By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Last night Rihanna performed “Monster” with Eminem at the MTV Movie Awards, and although her performance with the rapper was well received, more people are talking about what went down backstage.
According to multiple reports, Drake was backstage waiting for his rumored girlfriend, and once Rihanna made her way backstage after the performance, he greeted her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek as his crew looked on.
Check out the cute video below:
There still hasn’t been any confirmation from Drake or Rihanna that they are indeed a couple again, but it sure does look that way doesn’t it?
I wish they would just come on out and admit the obvious.
Now you know everyone is really just waiting for them to make it official and claim each other in Instagram. You know nothing is official unless it’s on Instagram. lol
i know right.
Drake has my fave looking very happy these days. I love it.
Aww that was sweet. I think they are really together and I prefer Drake for Rihanna than Chris Brown.
I love AubRih!
Yep. They are together. They also clubbed after this too. This is the happiest I’ve seen Rihanna in a long time.
Chris weeps…in jail.
I’m actually sick of them already. I think it’s obvious their together and who couldn’t see them eventually hooking up. Them getting together is not shocking. It’s like overkill now. I’m waiting on a celebrity couple that will really shock me.
I love them together! Rihanna finally has a man who is on her level of fame and success. Yas!
Everybody is trying so hard to be Jay and Bey. lol
Yes, because Bey and Jay created relationships. You sound crazy.
I guess they are getting serious. Good for them.
I really like them together.
And this whole time I thought they were just smashing. Oh wow.
These two are starting to really grow on me as a couple. They seem happy.
I absolutely love it! Keep her happy Drake!
I don’t know how I feel about them together, but the romantic in me honestly likes when two people are really happy together. If it’s real I hope they enjoy it.