By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The August Alsina, Trey Songz beef continues. We told you several weeks ago that there was a beef brewing between R&B singers Trey Songz and August Alsina, and August claimed that he is no longer on good terms with Trey because his ego is out of control.
Interestingly enough, when the singer got asked about Trey again during his recent appearance on “106& Park,” it got pretty awkward because he pretty much cursed and went off on host Keshia Chante.
He said:
“So you just ‘gon go against the grain and go against everything that I just…I just told y’all not to ask me that sh*t when I got up in here.”
Even though Keshia tried to smooth things over and still tried to get August to address his beef with Trey, he just wasn’t having it. Check out the video below:
He’s petty as hell and very unprofessional cursing on live TV like that. He won’t make it far.
Nope. He sure won’t.
I wonder what happened because he’s very angry with it meanwhile Trey says nothing.
LOL. Why is he so mad though?
This guy has one hit song. One. He needs to chill out.
The audience looked so uncomfortable when he dropped the s bomb. LOL!
They are young kids. They couldn’t believe he said what he said on TV.
From a PR perspective, this is a vey bad look for a new artist. He’s burning bridges and turning off potential fans with this ridiculous behavior. He should have just said no comment. Smh.
Who? *turns on the Trey Songz Pandora station*
Maybe she shouldn’t have asked but it’s her job. Like she said he talks about it all the time now it’s an issue. On top of that she’s a female he could have politely declined and said no comment. These dudes coming up these days have the nastiest attitudes and then expect people to turn around and buy their wack a-s music
Wow. That was unnecessary. And I agree India it was really disappointing that he spoke that way to a woman who was just doing her job. He needs to grow up or find another business to be in.
Trey is unbothered. LOL.
It’s annoying as hell when people ask you questions you don’t want to answer, but this was just way out of line. He made himself look like an a-shole and he didn’t really have to. Just say I’m not answering that and move on to the next question.
No one even really knows who this guy is yet. He has one song that gets radio spins. But he’s already coming for one of the biggest names in R&B. Like who does that? Not someone who wants longevity in the business. And Trey won’t even respond because he understands this guy won’t even be around long. He’s just not professional enough to be anything more than a one hit wonder.
I’m sorry this was funny as hell!
Well if he tell her not to ask him about it when he got in, why turn around and ask him…? Not saying what he did was okay,.because it wasn’t, it was actually disrespectful, but he asked you not to ask him about it and she did anyway. So *shrug* && its so annoying when people act like celebrities aren’t human. Like they make mistakes just like us.
She did her job if you want to be famous you are going to get asked question you don’t want to answer. It is a right way and more respectful way to do anything and he was very rude and disrespectful. It ain’t like she asked him anything crazy. He is going to have to get off his high horse if he is going to make it as a real entertainer
Damn he has a nasty attitude. He’s fine tho.
They only asked him that because he’s the one that has been talking about Trey in all of his interviews for the last month.
August looks mad weak here. He’s over here losing his cool over Trey Songz and cursing on 106 &Park and Trey has not even said one word about him. This new singer is losing the game already.
Bow Wow looked like he wanted to laugh lol
LOL he’s just a real dude. Real dudes don’t know how to be fake. They say and do what they feel.
Lol yes I agree! He is really raw
Lol…I like me some august alsina! This made me laugh tho! I’m sure he told her NOT to ask him about Trey songs b/c everyone seems to ask him this question in his interviews and he has made made it clear he doesn’t want to to answer this question anymore. According to August a show they were suppose to do went left, then trey begged some station in VA not 2 interview August which pissed him off… so they are no longer cool.. He’s rough around the edges and could have answered this better… his album is great tho… betta not burn them bet bridges! That’s no good
Well what he did was rude as hell, but if he asked them not to ask him anything about Trey, then why put him on the spot in front of the cameras and do so anyway. Plenty of artists give interviews and beforehand inform the interviewer of what to ask and what not to ask them and the interviewer accepts and respects that. This could’ve possibly been the fault of the producers. Maybe she was unaware he didn’t wanna be asked about Trey, don’t know. Oh well…
Maybe this wasn’t the best way for him to handle this, but I don’t fault him much overall. As much as we talk about people when we feel they shouldn’t give interviews about people they’re beefing with and focus more on their project/career? He did just that. Or tried to anyway. *shrug* He didn’t want to talk about it and that should have been respected. New artist/one single or not.
People are so fickle. Had this been Keyshia Cole there would not have even been a debate. Everyone would have been dragging her for filth. But because it’s a man who is slightly cute and new, he gets a pass from some people. Oh please. He was unprofessional (like yall always try to label Keyshia) and he will not last long. It doesn’t matter what BET did. He should have simply said “no comment.” He cursed on live television and the audience behind him is full of kids. He’ll be a one hit wonder. That is why Trey Songz won’t even acknowledge him. His mentor R Kelly told him that elephants don’t swat flies!
What does Keyshia Cole have to do with this? Nothing! And why should the BET host get a pass? She disrespected him by asking a question he already told them not to ask… and even tried to get an answer from him even after he went off… Should he have not cursed and handled it another way? Absolutely! But he is human and it’s not like he slapped her across her face. Y’all high and mighty people need to stop acting like y’all so perfect.
When has doing your job turned into disrespect? August Alsina will be asked that question forever. He was being childish for blowing up like that on her. Before the show he had been asked the same questions and he answered them but when he get on tv he act a fool. Keshia composed herself very well because it could not have been me. I would have gotten fired that day because I would have talked so bad to him it would have made his little media stunt look like child’s play. When your in the media your going to be asked question many you may not want to answer but he is going to have learn how to talk in the media because this made him look really bad.
And Bow Wow weak a-s didn’t say nothing but this is supposed to be someone like your sister child please. If I was Keshia I would have told his little b-tch a-s about himself too.
People know who to play with and August was wrong