By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Who was fired from RHOA? Yesterday the internet was abuzz about who got fired from “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” and some of the reports were shocking.
Several sites reported yesterday that Porsha Williams and Cynthia Bailey were fired because the producers felt their story lines had gotten boring and redundant.
It was also said that Marlo is gone too because they felt she acted a little too thuggish with NeNe at the Bailey Bowl.
As for who got offered new contracts, rumor has it NeNe Leakes, Kenya Moore, Phaedra Parks and Kandi Burruss were offered new contracts because the producers are hoping to focus more on their personal lives next season.
However, a source close to the production staff says no contracts have been sent out as of yet. But they are almost sure that they can’t have Kenya and Porsha on the show together any more.
E! News writes:
As a result of the physical altercation, Williams was charged with battery, while Kenya has threatened to quit the show if Porsha returns. A source close to the show also told E! News it’s “highly doubtful” Kenya and Porsha will both return, but Bravo has yet to decide who will stay or who will go.
Kenya has become a huge liability. But they will keep her and she will take this show right on down with her. I’m not even sure I will watch next season. I can barely tolerate her anymore.
Agreed!!! I don’t think I can do another season of Kenya’s over the top antics and her pretending to be the victim all the time.
Girl I can’t tolerate Kenya anymore either. She has changed the whole tone of the show into something that is 100% nasty. It used to be 70% nasty. It’s getting too negative for me.
Marie Reed · Southern University
I would not blame Kenya for quitting, Because,” she should not have to take this kind of abuse.” I am sick to my stomach,the evil and hatred, Porsha and her fans ,Phaedra, Kandi, Nene and now Kandi’s mother ,has attacked Kenya without justification.” Apparently they were not watching the same show that I observed,”Porsha did a disservice to this show by carrying on in such a manner tthat distributes abusive violent behavior. Every one on this show has gotten in someone’s personal space, does not warrant violent behavior.,Porsha esculated the situation in so many levels, She jerked the scepter out of Kenya’s hand, she was ignored, Andy asked Kenya about her African Prince,” ,she was responding”.,Porsha dipped in indicating that she knew something about him.: Kenya let her interrupt for awhile”, then when she went to misleading the issue, Kenya said that is not so, Porsha continued speaking over Kenya,”,she then pulled out bull horn in laughing manner, and Porsha actually threathen Kenya, she stated” I will take that scepter and put up your blank,between those ballons, Kenya laughed and asked her to spell scepter and that is what really got her angry! because she could not spell it, few moments later, she jumped out of her seat, went to kenya’s seat.” In which that is a threat, You have to stand up. if someone run toward you in attacking manner,Andy said,” that is enough with his hands between them, Porsha still ignored him,, reached over and pulled Kenya’s hair. I read in Radar that Nene Leakes and Phaedra Parks stated that had a plan to get Kenya Moore off show, prior to this incident, then to hear both of them tell Porsha, they all discussed this a few days ago, make me wonder ,Nene is seriously threatened by Kenya, she went off on Bravo, “about the pillow talk, It is sad, Porsha Stewart was not justified in anyway, I disagree that Kenya provoked her to act in a violent manner, she had many opportunities to defuse the situation, she did not, this is serious violent behavior and should not be allowed,,this is a Reality show, people are going to get under your skin, that makes the show great!! Remember,Nene called,” Porsha ignorant in Mexico, she did not utter a word!
You need help.
Good comment, and great observation. I applaud you! At least someone is watching the same show and not trying to hide the fact that Porsha dug her own hole and jumped right in when she made comments about Kordell might be gay.. She also was tossing vulgarities towards Kenya and acting like a bully and grabbing the scepter instead of walking off the show and asking Andy to removed Kenya’s props.. But as we all know this was never about Kenya’s props, its about the hate they have for Kenya because she uses her brain and strong words to deal with her cast mates aggressive behaviors… Nene is a very jealous and territorial person, its all about her and no one else. She can’t stand tough competion. Remember Nene on Celebrity Apprentice with Star Jones? Someone meaning “Star” wasn’t bowing down to Nene and she walked off the show. Phaedra and Nene being friends will never happen, she is only friends with Phaedra because she needs her back up to deal with Kenya. Phaedra being a lawyer, you would think she would see right through Nenes charade. What I find appalling, how anyone can think Kenya deserved to be physically attacked for her words, the props never once touched Porsha so that is not the reason Porsha attacked her…. Kenya called Porsha out on her own words and she didn’t like it..that’s the real reason she physically attacked Kenya. She can’t handle a strong educated woman like Kenya.
Kenya is educated? Oh wow. It’s so hard to tell since she acts like ghetto uneducated TRASH on TV. I would think someone who is so “educated” would find a better way to gain relevancy and make money. Vanessa Williams runs circles around her. Arguing like a high schooler on RHOA isn’t impressive to me.
Kenya just as Ghetto as Nene with her fake A??
I agree with Marie to the fullest,,
Kenya isn’t going anywhere. I’m pretty sure Porsha is gone. I do expect there to be major backlash when they confirm her departure though.
I seriously doubt that. The only reason Porscha could be popular is because she’s dumber than a walnut, and good for a Sunday night laugh. What an embarrassment to Rev. Williams legacy. Nothing but a hood rat.
And Kenya is an embarrassment to the Miss USA title. Sit.
If they were smart, they would keep both of them. That way those who feel Porsha was bullied will keep watching and Kenya’s annoying fans will be happy. But they are going to pull the wrong move like always.
Ur so right about keeping both of them, I thought Porsha was gone but by the way Andy is getting ate up, he is about to do a quick twirl off of Kenya’s team. I’m not sure which way Bravo will go on this one.
So they are basically letting Kenya’s little threat interfere with their decision. I’m done with this show. It’s turning into Kenya’s show and I’m not here for it.
If KENYA STAYS…I M DONE watchin this trick b-tch….RHOA…NO MORE!
Well Peter tried his hardest to keep Cynthia on the show so it seems like it was all in vain. Let them fire Porsha and keep Kenya I have a feeling people are going to stop watching RHOA and petition. Everybody has been riding with Porsha even the ladies on the view was slamming Kenya for her antics.
This is BBW all over again. They will keep the bully Kenya and fire the victim. And then there will petitions everywhere and the ratings will drop. Bravo is stupid.
They need to fire Kenya because in the long term she will hurt this show. They can’t see it now because the ratings are good, but that won’t last if they keep Kenya. She has lost a lot of public support since the first part of the reunion aired.
She sure has. I didn’t think the fallout would be this big but Kenya deserves all this and more.
Porsha should just leave, it’s obvious they value Kenya more. Why be a part of a show that doesn’t value you and allows an immature 40 something old woman to taunt you all the time? She should walk away. Unlike Kenya, she will find another rich man to marry her anyway.
They know they want Porsha out, but they don’t want to admit it now because they know the majority of the public is on her side. I’ll tell you this, if they fire Porsha and bring back Kenya, they will have a huge mess on their hands. A lot of people will be done with the show.
They’re going to keep Kenya and Porsha. I’m telling y’all they don’t have a choice. They are getting too much backlash about Kenya.
The only person that needs to go is Cynthia. Everyone else is willing to open up and show people who they are except Cynthia. She lets Peter do all her dirty work. That’s not fair.
This sounds like damage control. They know Porsha won’t be back but they want to make it look like they seriously considered it. Ugh phuck Kenya.
Why do any of these women want to return and be pimped even more by Andy Cohen? There are better ways to make money. None of them are winning by being on this show.
Kenya ain’t going nowhere unfortunately. They think she is the one responsible for the ratings, but she’s really not. The whole cast brought something to the table that made people tune in. Everyone should come back but Bravo won’t be smart enough to do that. Smh.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! Bring em all back!
I think they originally planned to let Porsha go but now they they see all the backlash Kenya is getting, they have to reconsider.
Kenya needs to go. Period.
If Kenya has right to say whatever she wants to people, people have a right to hit her upside the head for it. People kill me arguing they can hit below the belt verbally but no one can drag their a-s for popping off at the mouth. No ma’am. In the real world someone would have done much worse than what Porsha did if you had a bullhorn in their face.
Thank you.
I’m done if Porsha is fired. Kenya can’t keep doing what she wants with no repercussions.
Bravo will lose if they fire Porsha. If they try to play the zero tolerance for violence card then they will be hypocrites. This season alone has had several instances of violence, but they will claim the men are not under contract, but after Theresa flipped a table while several people were still sitting, Jacqueline’s daughter Ashley attacked Danielle, and the fight with Joanna & Adrianna in miami to name a few housewives franchises, they have to include Mariah & Toya on Married to medicine but maybe since Mariah is also a producer that makes her immune. Either way, it would be unfair to fire an Atlanta housewife for this & not any other. I’m not excusing or condoning anyone I’m just stating that after numerous acts of violence, to take a stance on this one would be unwise. It should be interesting to see how they spin this if she is fired.
They need to keep Porsha and Kenya. Now since Porsha dragged her, people want to see them go at it more next season. It’s not rocket science what they need to do.
Did anyone check on Kenya? She’s probably somewhere crying in bed because Andy said she can’t bring anymore props to reunion shows.
Thats funny
& PORSHA… FILE UR LAWSUIT AGAINST ANDY COHEN & BRAVO…for allowing u to be bullied….
They need to bring Porsha and Kenya back. It just makes the most sense. That fight was the most talked about thing for two weeks. Bring those heffas back for an even messier season.
Kenya is such an ugly person. She looks so foolish at her age playing childish games with a 20 something year old. But I guess it doesn’t really matter because this is all exploitation of black women while the pimp (Andy Cohen) makes all they money. Reality TV will be the downfall of black women. We just can’t stop chasing white people. They get on TV acting a fool so we got to act a fool to the tenth power. If they get on TV kissing a dog we got to kiss a horse. Its “classy” when the Beverly Hills housewives get into it but its something totally different when ATL get into it. We look crazy on every reality show on TV. We are smarter than that………..So I thought.
Shout out to all the strong intellectual sista’s who love themselves enough to follow their own dreams…whatever they may be.
Moose said it herself: Porsha was already on the chopping block prior to her altercation with Twirl. Were people really tuning in these last two seasons to watch Porsha? zzZZzz
Did you really just call a black woman an animal name? You’re pathetic and a disgrace to the black race.
Girl don’t bother. For Kenya to always talk about her “intellect,” she has some of the most ignorant fans I’ve ever seen. They don’t even know that the whole Moose thing came from racist a-s Kim Zolciak. And because Kenya is also a self hater, she encourages her slow minded fans to call NeNe a moose on her Twitter account. And it’s just not NeNe. They call every other housewife except Cynthia some kind of animal name. They are vile just like their master. That is why I can say with full confidence that Kenya is trash. She’s a bird that brings nothing but poison to everything she touches, her fans included. Any black woman who is ok with calling another black woman an animal is a complete piece of trash. All this for a stupid reality show. I can’t.
Well said.
lets put it this way Nene gets what she dishes out.. I remember her calling Porsha and Kandi “ignorant” so before you post and go in about Kenya you need to face some facts how Nene treats her friends.
Sorry, calling a black woman an animal over her looks is RACIST and ignorant. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand that as a Kenya Moore fan. She’s proven on numerous occasions that she is a self hater and she’s not intelligent enough to come up with witty enough responses for any of these women. I didn’t think a former Miss USA could be more ignorant than NeNe. At least stan for someone who has more respect for black women not to call them animals on such a public platform. Continue to be easily impressed by gross behavior from someone who is old enough to know better.
No porsha than I want watch the show any more.
I think all of them could stay but nene has changed alot and she use too be my girl but no no no they just can’t get ride of Cynthia that’s my girl she is so pretty and was done wrong by her husband. And nene so she must stay and nene acts like she too good for the show anymore so bye
Omg this WAT they should do get ride of Andy he has no back bone on telling this lady No he lets nene walk all over him like she own the bravo network and I was so offended when she was calling that guy Brandon queen I’m gay and im not a queen not all gays are the same he didn’t come on the show saying. (hhheeeeeyyyy b-tch) and twirling so y drag him like that not cool for someone who use our gay and queenly lingo??????