By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
For weeks there has been lots of drama unfolding between The Game and his on and off fiancée Tiffney Cambridge, but it appears none of that drama which includes domestic violence accusations will be seen on season three of “Marrying The Game.”
In fact, a new super trailer for the new season was released and it appears the only thing the show will be focusing on is how everyone adjusts to The Game and Tiffney’s decision to not be together.
The show returns May 7 10:30/9:30c. Will you be watching? Check out the video below:
It looks kind of boring. Why didn’t they include all the recent developments? Now that would have been good TV.
Should they keep calling this show Marrying The Game when they are never going to get married?
So she likes a strong and intelligent man? Then why was she with The Game?
Nope. I won’t be watching. These two just don’t do it for me.
I always thought they were a mismatched couple. She really needs to move on because he was never really on her level.
Very true.
I’ll pass. These two were never going to get married.