Sundy Carter Engaged?

Photo Credit: Hip Hollywood
Photo Credit: Hip Hollywood

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Sundy Carter engaged? While the possibility of Sundy Carter returning for another season of BBWLA looks unlikely, the new reality star may have some good news in her life to make her firing a lot easier to take.

Recently, Sundy did an interview with Hip Hollywood and she was rocking what appears to be an engagement ring:

sundy carter engaged 2

When the interviewer asked Sundy if that was indeed an engagement ring she was rocking, Sundy blushed and said:

“I’m not going to answer that question.”

As we recently reported, the rumor mill is suggesting that Sundy is currently dating a 20-year-old college student.

Check out the video below:


  1. It’s just weird to me that she’s with a 20 year old. But whatever. I guess it works because she’s got the maturity of a high schooler.

    1. Honestly, it makes sense to me that her man is young. She’s very immature for her age. But if she likes it, I love it.

  2. Is Sundy mature enough for marriage? By the looks of how she acted on BBWLA, I doubt it. She’s a very pretty woman though. I hope she does reflect on what she did on the show and makes some improvements in her life. She’s too pretty to act so ugly.

  3. Well she does have experience being with married men already. Maybe she’s ready to have her own husband.

  4. You’d have to be gullible and extremely young to think Sundy is marriage material, but then again Kanye is damn near 40 and thinks Kim is marriage material. So…

  5. Really? I thought they have only been together for a few months. Maybe I heard wrong. :-/

  6. Get it Sundy! Not only is her man young, but he has enough sense to put a ring on it! I love it!

  7. Did she buy the ring herself because typically college students don’t have enough money to buy engagement rings..

  8. Interesting. Well I hope this impending marriage will force her to mature because she’s a hot mess. I can’t believe she’s almost 50. She has the mindset of a teenager.

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