By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
RHOA has been the subject of lots of discussion since for the first time in history, a physical alteration went down at the reunion and even one of the husbands attacked someone during filming.
But Tyrese seems to think the show is more dangerous than just promoting violence. He actually thinks it ruins marriages.
In a YouTube video, the actor says:
“You’re at home and you’re looking at shows like The Housewives and all of these different reality TV shows and in your mind, this reality becomes reality. You find yourself arguing and having issues at your house and in your marriage and in your family that are directly influenced by the sh*t that you’re seeing on TV. You don’t even know it.
“You as a woman you’re sitting there watching TV in which women complain and have issues and conflicts in their marriages that are filmed on a reality show. And they’re directly influencing issues and conflicts that are being created in your house. It’s not your f*cking marriage. Those are not your issues.”
Check out the video below and tells us what you think about Tyrese’s comments.
Spotted at Fameolous
What? Grown people need to take responsibility for their own actions. We ain’t little kids. We know right from wrong and what we need to be doing. This is dumb. I feel like some people are always trying to place blame on non factors for the bad decisions being made. I refuse.
Thank you.
I wouldn’t go so far as to blame reality shows for failed marriages but I will admit the latest season of RHOA made me feel some kind of way. It was way too negative and it did make me want to quit watching because at times the negativity was too much.
LOL at folks trying to blame reality TV for all the problems of the world.
So did reality shows break up his marriage?
Tyrese takes himself way too seriously.
Logic fail.
I’m not saying Tyrese is wrong but I am just totally annoyed how he thinks he knows everything.
I can’t stand people who talk like they know everything and they have a messy personal life they can’t get in order.
Wannabe deep people annoy me.
Lmao he just wanted to say something….typical a-s Capricorn always thinking they know something more than everyone else, always think they are right, always throwing suggestions out but never seem to take advice on their own messed up lives….like he needs to go sit down. I haven’t listened to him much since he made that song “Signs of Love Making” how the hell he mentioned every sign but AQUARIUS yeah so w/e flies out his mouth is non factoring
Wait, what? he’s reaching with this. If RHOA can ruin your marriage you probably shouldn’t have gotten married in the first place…
Hahaha this doesn’t even make any sense. If a reality show is messing up your marriage, then you have a very weak marriage and you had problems that came before RHOA!
Tyrese bye. I wish he would stop acting like he’s the wisest man on the planet. He couldn’t even make his own marriage work. Humble yourself!
I think that he actually has a point. Negative and positive imagery are powerful things. Remember that experiment that was done with the children and whether they prefer black dolls over white dolls and the children overwhelmingly preferred the white dolls? It’s imagery like that that is insidious. I understand that on the main people are adults however adults are extremely susceptible to imagery as well.