By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
For the last day or so the gossip mill has been reporting that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are officially married, and the rumors started after it was confirmed that the couple obtained a marriage license recently.
However, the Kardashian camp is shutting down the gossip and they claim Kim and Kanye did not tie the knot, yet. People Magazine reports:
Is Kim Kardashian already Mrs. Kanye West?
Not quite. Despite rumors that the power couple wed in a secret ceremony in Los Angeles, a source close to the family insists Kardashian, 33, remains a bride-to-be.
The source denied reports that the reality star and rapper tied the knot over the weekend, while Kardashian’s rep had no comment on the rumors.
The publication seems to think the couple will make things official in the upcoming weeks.
Of course they aren’t married yet. If they were, they would make sure all the media outlets they are in bed with knew. I’m sure E! will be the first to break that story when it does happen.
I’m sure Kim would tweet right after the wedding to make sure people knew she is officially married for the third time. No tweet, no wedding.
I can’t believe this woman is about to be on her third marriage and she’s not even 40 yet.
I’m bored with them already. I hope Kim knows that when they get married, she’ll have to fight to stay relevant because this is her third wedding and no one cares anymore. Even their divorce won’t be shocking.
Does it matter when they get married if we all know they will just be getting a divorce eventually?
Now that she got that Vogue cover, what other reason does she need Kanye? I hope he realizes she will be cutting him off soon. He’s served his purpose in her materialistic life.
Pretty much
I can’t say I care. But ugh, hopefully North will be there and not with her nanny as usual.
Oh. Well I’ll be shocked if this ends up being Kim’s last marriage because homegirl has already said that Elizabeth Taylor is her idol. That’s not a good sign.
I don’t think people really care about those two anymore. That’s why they had to go out there and buy up all their Vogue covers. The thrill is gone.
Yeah they aren’t married yet those 2 attention whores ain’t doing nothing secretly, come on every1 has to see. I am so ova them and judging by the rest of these comments evry1 else is too. No1 cares whether they get married or not I am just waiting for them to disappear already……they tryna be the next Jay & Bey #chilebye