By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
News of Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union’s engagement was quickly overshadowed when it was confirmed the Miami Heat star actually got another woman pregnant while dating Gabby, but he still claims that he impregnated another woman while they were on a “break.”
Regardless, not much has been revealed about his new son but the other day photos of the cute kid began to make rounds on social media.
Reportedly the child’s name is Xavier and the mother’s name is Aja Metoyer. Blogger Jocks and Stiletto Jill got her hands on the photos. Check them out below:
In related news, apparently D Wade is still having some issues with his ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches.
According to Gossip Extra, he’s allegedly trying to keep their sons away from her on Mother’s Day.
The site reports:
Wade, whose battles with ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches are slowly becoming the stuff of legend, now is being accused by Funches of denying their two children their upcoming Mother’s Day visitation.
It’s yet another Gossip Extra exclusive: Funches’ lawyer says Wade, who’s expected to play in a second-round of the NBA playoffs against the Brooklyn Nets starting tomorrow, is refusing to have the two boys dropped off at their mother’s house by May 11, Mother’s Day.
Sioh’s lawyer plans to file an emergency motion to force D Wade to hand over the kids if he really doesn’t bring them by on Mother’s Day.
He’s a very cute little baby. And doesn’t D Wade try to pull this every Mother’s Day? I guess he wants Gabby to have the boys on Mother’s Day so she can continue to play house with them.
He does try to pull this every year and the last minute, he will give her the kids. He wants her to jump through hoops to see her own sons. He’s very lowdown for that. I can’t stand it when women and men do this to their exes. They are parents too.
D Wade is such a queen. Let the boys be with their real mother on Mother’s Day. Gabby can’t and will never replace her. Accept that and move on.
Aww he looks like a light skinned D Wade!
If Sioh did this to him on Father’s Day, he would have a fit and have her thrown in jail for contempt. The bias the court continues to have for a star athlete is very real.
Very true!
If this ain’t the truth!
Typical behavior from D Wade. I wish he would end this stupid feud he has going on with Siohvaughn. Hell, he’s with Gabby now and supposedly soooo happy, so why even put her through this?
Damn we haven’t heard from Sioh in so long I thought they had finally gotten it together. I guess not!
I knew it was only a matter of time. These two will never be civil. Too much dirt went down between them.
That baby is a cutie pie. I have no words for Dwyane still acting like a butthole to Sioh.
D Wade behaves like he has an abusive spirit about him. It’s like he only loves you if you fall in line with what he wants. The moment you go outside of that, he will destroy you. Maybe that’s why Gabby is still around. He may have some dirt on her he’s threatening to put out there if she leaves. Plus his money and the relevance he bring her are perks too.
Aww Gabby’s new stepson is cute!
Cute. Maybe D Wade’s next break baby will be a girl.
Girl you are hell. LOL.
I literally laughed out loud.
I hope Gabby is paying close attention to how D Wade treats his first wife because the moment he gets tired of Gabby, he will do her even worse. He plays real dirty when he stops caring. Good luck with that Gabby.
He’s adorable. I still don’t care for D Wade though. He seems like a real a-shole off the court.
I will never ever be with a man that goes to that extreme to treat the mother of his sons the way this man does. I thought his ex was crazy to the core but now i see why she got there. D. Wade is a low down dirty human being who is using the court system and his money to get his way. Gabrielle if it could happen to her ex it sure will happen to you. No way are you immune from this man’s immaturity just because you are polished better than his ex. A break baby should be enough warning for ya.. But hey she don’t care as long as she got that championship ring.
Cute baby. I wish he would stop doing Sioh like this. They have been over for years. Ugh let it go.
I hope Siohvaughn will get to spend Mother’s Day with the boys. I wish they would stop trying to hurt each other so much. Smh.
Cutie pie.