Tyler Perry & Oprah Get Slapped with Federal Lawsuit

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Tyler Perry has helped Oprah Winfrey secure success for her network with the massive success of “The Haves and Have Nots” but now both have been hit with a federal lawsuit in which they are being accused of stealing the idea for the hit show.

The Jasmine Brand reports:

A company named Parables Entertainment filed a federal lawsuit against Tyler Perry accusing him of stealing the idea behind his OWN Network show “The Have and Have Nots.”

Vanessa Lynn – exec at Parables Entertainment – claims she wrote a screenplay titled “Affairs” and had it copyrighted. The script is about a small town family which features a father running for mayor, a health challenged mother and a daughter named Peaches.The drama in the script starts when Peaches friend has an affair with the father.



This isn’t the first time Tyler has been accused of stealing ideas.


  1. I’m starting to think Tyler may be stealing because someone is always accusing him of it. LOL.

  2. Where there’s smoke there’s fire. This is like the 3rd or 4th time he has been accused of doing this.

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