By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
R&B singer Ciara is now a new mom and she welcomed a baby boy on Monday with rapper Future. However, the couple got some rather interesting feedback when they confirmed they named their son Future, Future Zahir Wilburn to be exact. The rapper defending their choice and Future claims the name also is a symbol that he wants his son to follow his footsteps as it pertains to life.
Future tells Hip Hop Wired:
“I just wanted him to be me, but at the same time, give him his own identity. Me, Future, I believe that I’m setting the standards for how he should be in life. And just being able to go above and beyond even my expectations. It’s always the future to look for something new.”
“Me, Future, I believe that I’m setting the standards for how he should be in life.” – With your 4 kids and 4 baby mamas, I hope he grows up to exceed those standards.
RIGHT! He talks like he’s an exemplary black man. I’m sure he doesn’t even vote. Lol
I’m not even going to take the bait. LOL. *exits post*
He needs to teach his son to do better than he did. He’s blessed because he can actually afford to take care of multiple kids and multiple baby mamas, but his son may not end up becoming a famous rapper. So he needs to teach him how to use condoms.
And get a good education. Rap isn’t the only way to wealth and a comfortable living. Truth is most of them are actually broke anyway.
So true.
lol right!!! sh-t
Those are pretty low standards. I’m still shocked Ciara happily agreed to join his league of baby mamas.
*Rolls eyes* This sounds good but why wasn’t he there for the birth of his son.
He wasn’t? Damn. I know he has 30 other kids to feed so maybe he thought he needed to miss it.
Oh Future. I know he means well, so whatever. And if they like the name, that’s all that matters.
So did they set a wedding date yet or nah? They are talking about everything else except their wedding.
She’s probably waiting to lose the baby weight. They could still go to the courthouse now and do the ceremony later so I don’t really understand the hold up.
Um yeah. Ok. Ciara is that really all you could come up with?
Or maybe it’s a pseudo name just like Beyonce/JayZ did with their daughter. I hope they were that smart.
I just hope they work out because if they don’t, Ciara will get clowned. I can see it now.
I don’t think the name is that bad compared to most celebs. I love Bey, but Blue Ivy? Really? -__-
Mmmmh is that the smartest thing he is ever said? I’m out!!!!
This man is so ignorant.The man does not have a future! He is hanging in there by a shoe string which is about to snap. And this is what Ciara had a baby with? Either she is fake and phoney in front of the camera making people believe she has a little sense, but in reality she is straight hood rat. Hopefully the child will succeed……and the change his name! smh
Ok…..I want everyone to step away from your computers, go get a dictionary and look up the word “ignorant”. I garantee you will see Future face there. Lord…..
if that explanation isnt the dumbest sh-t….if you wanted him to follow in your legacy why not just make him a junior? or better yet why not just teach him the right way in life to go?
soooo if he was really trying the do the name future as keeping a legacy or having him follow his footsteps…why not just name the boy a junior?he must already have one.or better yet why not focus on teaching his child the right way to go in life then he will do better than the name.
but anyways, the name isnt bad at all.im just not a fan of the explanation for it