By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are officially married, but weeks before the couple tied the knot, Jay Z and Beyonce possibly attending the wedding made more headlines than the actual ceremony for some odd reason.
While some reports claimed the couple would just be in attendance, some sites even claimed Beyonce would be a bridesmaid while Jay Z would be Kanye’s best man.
Regardless, neither showed up for Kim and Kanye’s big day.
US Weekly reports:
Bey and Jay, no Kimye?! It turns out that not all A-list invitees decided to head to Europe for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s long-awaited nuptials. Multiple sources reveal exclusively to Us Weekly that Beyonce and husband Jay Z bailed on the couple’s Florence, Italy wedding today.
The pair, instead, decided to head to the Hamptons during the Memorial Day Weekend holiday, sources tell Us. (Vogue’s Anna Wintour also declined their invitation due to a family obligation.)
Congratulations to Kim and Kanye on their wedding. This makes Kanye’s first marriage and Kim’s third.
Why would they go? They know how the Kardashians are. Had they showed up, Kris would have put out at least 5 different lies about them and Rachel Roy to make them look terrible. And Kim blew it with Beyonce that time she had her friends snap a picture of them at the WTT concert and Beyonce caught it.
Agreed! Kim and Rachel are tight, there is no way Bey would even entertain showing up and feeding into Kris Jenners’s shenanigans. Any hope Kim had with Jay and Bey is dead in the water before it even got off the ground.
I think they would have showed up if Kanye married anyone but Kim.
It’s ok. They can always go to the next one.
Good I didn’t want one of my faves at that attention whoring event they call a wedding anyways.
Well Kanye didn’t go to their wedding either.
I never got the vibe that they like Kim. So I didn’t expect them to go.
I guess there is no such thing as the roc family. Kanye call jay z his big brother and he did not go to his wedding. If self centered a-s beyonce didn’t want to go Jay should have went. I guess they only want to be associated with Kanye when they need tracks. I begin to dis like these two more everyday.Kanye should have show up no matter who Jay Z was marrying.
Oh please! Kanye didn’t even show up to Bey and Jay’s wedding! But were you outraged about it? Of course not because you’re really just salty Kim’s wedding was overshadowed by two people who didn’t even show up. And who cares if you don’t like them? Millions do and that’s why you’re really mad. Seethe. Lol.
I wish people would stop acting like Kim isn’t glad they didn’t show up. The mere fact that Jay and Bey attending that wedding is all the media talked about made her attention – seeking as* hyperventilate. Kris probably wasn’t sleeping too good either.
oh please. it was years later before Beyonce even showed the dress she wore. So how do you know that Kanye didn’t show when noone even saw the freaking wedding.
Psst…idiot, paps took photos of everyone who showed up that day as they arrived outside of Bey and Jay’s penthouse. It was all over the news and confirmed that Kanye was a no show. They aren’t close. Kanye barely even hangs out with Bey and Jay when they aren’t working. He’s never even taken a vacay with them before. Jay’s BFF is TyTy. Get a clue.
Well I guess Kanye was self centered for not showing up to Beyonce and Jay Z’s wedding as well, right?
Actually Kim and Kanye should be happy Bey and Jay didn’t attend because they would have got upstaged at their own wedding. Let’s keep it 100 Beyonce and Jay-Z would have stole the show and they would have fits at all the attention Bey and Jay would be getting and then don’t let Blue been in the mix she would have stolen poor little North’s thunder.
Well no one is more self centered than Kim. She calls the paps to take her picture EVERYWHERE she goes. She only gets married for money. She made a circus out of this wedding by calling the media about every detail so she could stay in the news all week. Meanwhile Beyonce and Jay Z at least had a private and small ceremony at their home. TRY AGAIN.
Nobody gives a phuck about your Kardashian tears.
Lol! Girl!
So Bey and Jay not showing up is making more headlines than the wedding. Damn the shade of it all.
It was a media circus and just another stunt for Kim to get attention and use Beyonce’s name to extend her 15 minutes. Kim hates Bey and is jealous of her. Bey knew where that lie about Kim outselling her Vogue issue came from. The Carter’s are sick of being used by the Kardashians. Maybe one day Kanye will realize they are using him too.
I read somewhere else that a lot of Kanye’s friends and family weren’t even there so why is Jay and Bey not showing up a bigger deal? And Kanye would have never ended up with Kim if his moms didn’t pass away. He lost his mind after she passed.
I love Kim but I don’t see the big deal about Jayonce not showing up. They’re not all that close.
Kim’s stans being pressed about Bey and Jay not showing up just confirms that this wedding and marriage is just about her trying to become A List. She doesn’t love Kanye, she loves what he can do for her. She probably thought being with Kanye would put her in Bey’s circle and it didn’t happen. Oh well. When you have no real reason for being famous, you have to pull desperate stunts to stay relevant.
Apparently. A lot of A List celebrities didn’t show up. And that’s because they know Kim will just be getting married to someone else in at least two years.
And? Lol Bey and Jay aren’t obligated to do anything. Especially since Kanye didn’t even go to their wedding.
Can anyone blame them? The K’s have been sending the media fake stories about them for weeks about this wedding. I wouldn’t go either.
Good for Bey and Jay.
I’m sure Kris Jenner is already working on a negative story about them to “explain” why they didn’t show up. That family is obsessed with Beyonce. But they wouldn’t dare come for a white celeb like that tho.
Bey and Jay manage to steal the show yet again with no effort. Poor Kimye.
Well this is what they get for putting put all those fake stories about them coming.
If Her own Brother Rob Kardashian didn’t attend either party in Paris or Italy and left to return to LA while her sister was getting married why should the Carters attend?? It is claimed that he called Kim out for having a wedding that is over top and it seems like he is not that fond of Kanye like he was with Lamar and Khris Humphries. He is already going through his weight battle and he probably feels left out. Too much drama in this family. It’s all about money to them. They leaked the details of the wedding themselves and claim that it’s was going to be a private low key wedding while they are all over on Instagram.