By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Karrueche Tran has received plenty of criticism for her on and off public romance with R&B singer Chris Brown, but she’s made it clear that despite the criticism she receives, she’s going to be there for her troubled beau no matter what.
Chris is currently in jail for a recent probation violation, but that hasn’t stopped Karrueche from being a favorite target of the media.
The other day VH1 took a jab at Chris’ boo thang and actually referred to her as a notorious Hip Hop “side chick.”
When Karrueche got wind of the article, she took to her Instagram account to respond:
Let Chris get out if jail and decide to “change his life”, you’ll be the first thing to go – again! Enjoy being a side chick for now, Kae, it pays well.
But she was never the side chick. Rihanna was the side chick. Rihanna was the one who pursued Chris while he was in a relationship. Is that not what a side chick is? I guess Rih gets a pass because she’s famous? :-/
Rihanna didn’t force him to leave that girl. He left on his own and wanted to be back with Rihanna.
I’m not sure how Kae got labeled a side chick. She was Chris’ girlfriend after things ended with Rihanna. Now Chris did date both at the same time for a little while and both were ok with that, but she was never technically a side chick.
She should just be happy she’s getting any attention. That’s all she’s ever wanted anyway.
She’s not a side chick but being a main chick isn’t any better. if you have to share your man because he wants to sleep with other women while being with you, you lose regardless of what position you’re in.
Now Navy, y’all know good and well that Rihanna was the side chick. How soon y’all forget.
certain things side chick don’t get christmas day, thanksgiving, valentines days. who chris brown was with at the Lakers game on christmas day and new years day.
Nah. Man yall still on that? Chris said at the time he was dating the BOTH of them and Rihanna was ok with that. He only kicked it Rih at the game for publicity because she’s a bigger star than he is. Now do you know how dumb that makes Rihanna look? She’s a superstar but she agreed to share her man with a nobody? Yall still can’t admit your fave got played. LOL.
*looks at the title again* Hip Hop? When did Chris become Hip Hop? Notorious? Karrueche is low key for the most part and not even a side chick. She could have gotten on some reality show if she wanted to become notorious but she decided not to. That article is all kinds of wrong.
LOL poor Karrueche.
So when are they going to create a list for the most notorious hoes of Hip Hop? Chris should top that list. He can’t even keep his junk in his pants in rehab. But I bet that list will never happen because it’s ok for man to sleep around and even encouraged.
Calling her a side chick is a reach. She was in a relationship with Chris before he went back to Rihanna and Rihanna was the one who went after him while he was with Kae. But is Kae too loyal to Chris? Absolutely.
Side chick how?
She wanted to he famous right? Well this comes with the territory. No need to cry about it. Rihanna gets called way worse and she’s not crying about it on Twitter.
Side chick? Kae was never the side chick. Vh1 stick to what you know trashy reality tv.
I don’t understand why she gets so much hate.
That girl was never a side chick. She’s a little foolish for constantly staying by CB’s side, but not a side chick. The side chick was Rihanna, but VH1 isn’t bold enough to try and sneak diss her like that. They probably figured that Kae wouldn’t clap back…
Thank you.
Why won’t they let Karrueche be great?
Awwwww. Smh now this was uncalled for. I disagree that she’s a side chick, and I also disagree that she should somehow see this as a positive thing with regard to fame and exposure. Things like that are hurtful, especially when you’re the opposite of what you’re being labeled as. She handles the comments on social media well, but I can see how seeing something like this from a major company could get a response out of her. Dislike her choices all you want…. call her a doormat all you want. But she’s not a side chick. *shrug*
And of course every woman on that list was black. I see you VH1. Smh.
I’m still waiting for the day white women get called side chicks in the media. Would Angelina Jolie top the list of the most notorious side chicks of Hollywood or nah?
Hell, and now that I look at the screenshot again, technically, that entire list is inaccurate. When thinking of the “most notororious,” none of those people would come to my mind. Maaaaaaaybe Lil Kim, but that’s only off the strength of Biggie for real.
This is why I don’t support VH1. They are always making a fool out of women of color.
I think the only people calling this girl a jump off are Rihanna’s fans and that’s very HYPOCRITICAL because she actually was the side chick in this situation. Let’s not forget she was crying over Chris on Oprah saying how much she still loved him while he was in a relationship with Kae. But will VH1 call her out? Of course not.
She is not the side chick though…
Kae ain’t never been no damn side chick. That was Rihanna. And Rihanna still continues to break up relationships til this day (Drake and Zoe). Smdh!
I like Kae. I think she gets a lot of backlash for no good reason. She is Chris’ girlfriend and has never been his side chick. She also hasn’t messed with any other men besides him that we know of. So I don’t get the hate.
*blank stare*…..now how in the hell was she the side chick? maybe i need to watch the vh1 segment to get their reasoning because i dont get it.
*blank stare* …..now how was she a side chick again?lol i dont get that one.maybe i need to watch the v1 segment to get their reasoning.
*blank stare* now how is she a side chick?