By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
NBA star Dwight Howard is rumored to have a pretty scandalous life off of the basketball court, with some reports claiming the athlete has fathered at least five kids with multiple women.
Although he just had a baby last year with his latest girlfriend Christine Vest, it’s now being rumored that he got one of his other baby mamas pregnant again.
Terez Owens writes:
Houston Rockets big man Dwight Howard really needs to start seriously thinking about getting snipped, because we’ve been scooped the NBA player known as Superman is about to have another baby. Our sources tell us his # 2 baby mama is once again pregnant, allegedly with Dwight’s super sperm. So if we want to gather up a tally, that would be six children from five women.
Of course this is purely just gossip for now.
Is he trying to have his own basketball team?
I’m really starting to think he is. This man stays knocking up chicks.
Not surprised.
I mean is he allergic to condoms or something?
Get a vasectomy already.
Well he’s an idiot if this is true.
I hope he’s smart with his money because if he’s not, child support will eat up his pockets and he’ll be another Terrell Owens/Chad Johnson.
He’s having all these kids like he can’t go broke. He’s in for a rude awakening.
Someone better get another endorsement check. I betcha Royce is laughing on the way to cash her child support check!
He needs to be clipped.
A fool and his money will soon part ways.
He’s another one who is too stupid to use his brain instead of his peen. All these kids will cost him and he’ll be filing for bankruptcy once his career is over.