By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Drake is no longer dating Rihanna, so it’s no shocker that the rapper is already back on the prowl and doing what he does best on Instagram…flirting.
For the last couple of weeks, Drake has been posting photos of Skylar Diggins to his Instagram account and making it clear he thinks the WNBA player is gorgeous (photos obtained by Black Sports Online):
When Skylar’s boyfriend Daniel Smith found about Drake’s social media flirting, he posted a photo of his own and made sure to tag Drake so the rapper would get the hint and move on:
Skylar and Daniel have been dating since college.
Drake hasn’t responded as of yet to Daniel’s subtle warning to stand down but he’s been keeping busy by posting multiple photos of his Young Money label mate Nicki Minaj. We’re sure her fiancé Safaree Samuels isn’t too thrilled either.
i don’t blame Daniel. Drake is always acting like a thirsty groupie when he likes someone, then when he gets them he screws them and tosses them in the trash like a used tampon. Im tired of his whoring.
I have to agree. We have yet to see Drake last long in a serious relationship. He just seems like he’s full of lust. Skylar better stick with her boyfriend. Drake is trouble.
Yasss Daniel! Check Drake’s slutty a-s!
Daniel doesn’t stand a chance. Drake always gets who he wants. Skylar won’t be an exception.
No, he always gets the video hoes he wants. Everyone else only gives him a chance after relationships with the people they really did like don’t work out (ie. Rihanna and Zoe).
Typical lame behavior. First it was Wayne trying to get at Skylar now its Drake. What a c-ck blocking loser.
This is why I’m glad Rihanna has moved on and no longer gives this simp the time of day. I’m starting not to like Drake because he’s a douche bag outside of his music. Everyone knows Skylar has a boyfriend and has been with him for years. This was disrespectful of him.
Drake needs to stick to his trampy, gold digging centaurs and leave the real women to the real men.
DEAD @ centaurs.
I can’t even place any blame of the boyfriend. It has to be hard to see all these men lust for your girlfriend and not even care to respect your relationship. Drake needs to sit down and chill. Wasn’t he just after Rihanna a few weeks ago? I don’t like that he treats women like sexual conquests.
You’re exactly right. Drake lives for the chase but he doesn’t care to be in a relationship. Skylar is a fool if she pays him any mind.
He’s going to have to trust that his girlfriend is smart enough not to fall for Drake’s weak game. And I can’t stand men who use social media to pick up women. It’s so lazy to me.
Drake needs to have a stadium of seats.
So Drake chased Rihanna just to pluck her and move on to the next. He’s a hot mess.
Lmbo Drake is so disrespectful.
Drake irritates me sometimes. I mean he really acts like an attention whore. Skylar isn’t even his type. He likes big booty THOTs and video vixens. I think he’s only doing this to be a jacka-s.
This will probably only make Drake go harder. Don’t forget how much of a troll he is.
Hahahaha true!
Drake has been feeling like a thug ever since he threw that bottle at Chris Brown.
LOL! Drake is so messy.
Don’t do it Skylar. You see how he just did Rihanna. Stay far away girl.
Drake is all about the chase! He doesn’t want to settle down and be with one woman. He really doesn’t deserve a good woman. He needs to stick to THOTs and leave this happy couple alone.
Her boyfriend is insecure. He knows Drake could get his chick and he’s scared. Lmao.
Oh Lawd.
Drake is such a whore.
This is why I don’t like Drake. He’s very arrogant and disrespectful. Skylar is too good for him. He should just continue to chase the hoes he’s been chasing.