By: Amanda Andeson-Niles
We told you earlier that Rihanna and her fans were sticking it to TLC on Twitter after T-Boz made some rather interesting comments about the singer. Just in case you missed it, T-Boz told Sunrise:
“Every time I see you, you don’t have to be naked. And it’s hard for us to say anything because every time we say something, ‘Oh TLC, they must be jealous.’ First of all, is what it is, I call a spade a spade. We sold and became the biggest selling girl group of all time, with our clothes on. That says a lot.
“It’s easy to sell sex.”
Interestingly enough, T-Boz is now claiming that she never named the artist she was referring to. She tweets (read from bottom to top):
I’m going to need a translator.
Me too. I’m so confused.
I can barely understand what she tweeted.
Is she illiterate? :-/
Ok she didn’t name her but who else could she have been talking about? Regardless, I stand by what I said on the other article. She shouldn’t have said it on such a public platform. She was wrong. Pull people aside and tell them these things in private out of respect.
Exactly! Same thing I said about Ciara. No matter her issues with Rihanna, she should’ve pulled her aside and talked to her privately. To do it so publicly, on Fashion Police of all places, was her just being messy, and tacky as hell.
Well said.
She’s not going to stand behind the shade she threw? Soooo disappointing.
I can’t stand people who throw rocks and hide their hands.
It’s pretty obvious who she was talking about but ok lol.
She’s only saying this because the navy dragged her.
If you are going to say something say it with your chest don’t backtrack. Always stand by what you said if that is how you feel. I have more of a problem with this then what she actually said. She didn’t say anything wrong to me so why backtrack. People are so weak nowadays I wouldn’t give two f-cks if I said something that nobody liked if that’s how I felt and I wouldn’t care who took it the wrong way. I am actually disappointed in Tionne I expected more from her but whatever.
These washed up bishes are just jealous. They already came for Bey, now Rihanna. They need to accept their time has come and passed. Let it go!
She’s definitely backtracking but I’m disturbed by her terrible grammar.
I really expected T Boz to stand by her words but I see she isn’t going to.
Girl bye. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
You only backtrack when you know deep down you were wrong. If you truly believe you are right, you will stand firm on your words. And if my memory serves me correctly, I remember TLC having a sexual image as well at some point in their career and initially, some thought the condoms on their clothing was too much back then, but ok then!
Jealousy is a b-tch.
So she just thinks people are stupid and it wasn’t obvious who she was talking about? That’s very lame. I expected more from T Boz. Anyway, I just wish people from 20 years ago would stop being so critical of people who are doing their thing now because they should remember what it feels like to constantly be told they can’t compare to the old school. So why repeat the cycle?
Haters gon hate.
What is she backtracking for? Let’s not pretend like stans won’t come for anyone that tries to diss their favorite celebrity. She should’ve seen that coming. Don’t be a wuss T Boz.