Bobbi Kristina Drags Angela Bassett

Photo Credit: The Heart Truth
Photo Credit: The Heart Truth

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Weeks ago it was confirmed that legendary actress Angela Bassett was putting together a Whitney Houston biopic for Lifetime, and so far Whitney’s family has expressed they aren’t on board with it. Whitney’s daughter Bobbi Kristina hopped on Twitter and slammed the biopic and said she believed she should have been chosen to play her mother instead of Yaya Dacosta.

Angela Bassett recently responded to Bobbi’s opinion and she told Entertainment Weekly the following:

“No, I did not think about that. I did not think about casting her. And probably for a number of reasons, you know. One being that she’s not an actress. I know she’s acted here and there. I know she’s been on their family’s reality show, but she’s not an actress and acting is a craft. It’s an attempt to illuminate the complexities of human behavior and life. And this is a very fast-paced schedule; we have just 21 days to tell this story. It’s more than just saying lines and turning the light on. You have to drive the story—there’s a technical aspect.”

Bobbi Kristina was not impressed. She called out Angela on Twitter and she had some pretty tough words for her (read tweets from bottom to top):

bobbi kristina twitter


  1. Ok so the sympathy card has now retired. Bobbi girl please stop lying to yourself. You can’t act and you weren’t picked to play your momma because you actually look like Bobby. Now if you apologize, maybe Angela will pick you to play your dad.

  2. Was she high on crack she tweeted this? Angela Bassett is a gorgeous woman. In her 50s she runs circles around Bobbi’s looks.

  3. Now how is she going to say Angela looks like a man when she’s walking around looking like Bobby Brown’s twin brother?

  4. Now see I try so hard to sympathize with Bobbi Kris because she lost her mother and her mother is a legend but this is the kind of stuff that makes it hard for me to root for her. Angela Bassett is one of the best black actresses of all time. She wasn’t disrespectful, she told the truth. Bobbi is not an actress.

  5. This is what happens when a celebrity raises a self entitled BRAT. They grow up to become unbearable a-sholes and lack class.

  6. I can’t believe this little spoiled ingrate had the audacity to say this about the great Angela Bassett. She trying to clown but Angela Bassett is 55 and looks 20 years younger and she is 21 and looks 20 years older. The delusion is thick and real smh.

  7. Somebody get this girl off the crack pipe. She has to be on something to think Angela Bassett looks like a man.

    1. Lol. Angelina played tina Turner, and she was great. What has bobbi done. Ya cracking me up calling by calling her a crack head.

    1. Nah, people are killing their careers on Twitter before they even begin. Can’t blame Twitter for this one.

  8. Whoa! Angela wasn’t even mean. She just told the truth. Bobbi isn’t a good actress. She should stop getting high all day and go take some real training and improve so she can actually have her own career without leeching off her mom’s name.

  9. How is she going to get an oscar and a grammy if she’s lazy as hell? All she does is tweet and get high with Nick.

  10. Ok so when people stop trying to help her and reach out to her because of her nasty attitude then what? Some people just don’t understand that Twitter is not the place to respond to everything. Silence is best most of the time. Now everyone sees how entitled and rude she is. And she won’t get roles if people don’t like her.

  11. See this is what happens when your life is full of people who don’t know how to tell you the truth about yourself. :-/

  12. It’s official. I no longer have any sympathy for this self entitled brat. Angela said what we all knew already. She cannot act and that is why she wasn’t chosen for the role. If she wants to be taken seriously, she should get off drugs and actually take some acting classes. Oh and she needs to learn how to conduct herself on Twitter too.

  13. If Whitney were alive, I’m sure she’d snatch Bobbi Kristina for being so disrespectful. Just because Tyler Perry let her be on one of his shows does not make her an actress.

  14. I understand that Bobbi Kristina is hurting right now, but she is an adult and should know better than to tweet something so ignorant. Angela Bassett is a phenomenal woman who is a gifted actress. She probably could have given Bobbi Kristina pointers on her “phantom” careers had she not ran to twitter and been so immature and disrespectful. She is disgusting and a drug addict with zero class. #UGH

  15. Someone needs to get this little girl some help. For her to think she can win a grammy further lets me know she is on drugs. It is sad cause her Mom would have knocked those gap teeth out of her mouth if she were here.

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