By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade may have won the child custody war against his ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches Wade, but lately she’s been getting the upper hand against the NBA player in court.
Not only was she able to have that pesky resisting arrest charge dropped, but she also was granted a $50,000 lawsuit against the athlete for causing the frivolous arrest to go down in the first place.
But now Siohvaughn is getting even with D Wade for not bringing their two sons to her house during the court ordered visitation days. In fact, the athlete fared poorly at a six-hour emergency court hearing on Thursday.
Gossip Extra reports:
Wade, who has primary custody, didn’t seem to know when the boys’ school shut down for the summer. And his excuse for not dropping off the kids was that “he didn’t have anybody to do it.”
In the end, Judge George Sarduy ordered Wade to surrender the children immediately, and told the two to stick to their two-week rotation.
Funches then filed a 206-page motion to regain her status as primary residential parent.
“Wade, who has primary custody, didn’t seem to know when the boys’ school shut down for the summer. And his excuse for not dropping off the kids was that “he didn’t have anybody to do it.”
BULLSH-T. D Wade is such a calculating stunt queen. LOL.
She’s sticking to him now since she has her own lawyers. That’s what she should have done in the first place instead of using lawyers he paid for.
I agree because the lawyers he paid for weren’t trying to help her at all and that’s why she lost custody. And you can tell he’s used to not having to do much in court to win against her because he came there super unprepared.
She just had to learn way. She’s about to kick D Wade’s a-s though now.
If he’s still not bringing her the kids he deserves this and more.
Amen to that!
This is getting interesting now. It’s always some truth to what some so called crazy people be saying. *sips tea*
Now how the hell does D Wade’s wealthy a-s not have someone to drop the kids off? He couldn’t get Gabby to do it or was she too busy taking care of the break baby for him?
I like the Sio who keeps it quiet and takes care of business in court. Now she’s being smart and using the law to expose D Wade for the liar and fraud he is. I’m sorry I ever doubted her now.
Anything that is done in darkness, The Lord will bring to light.
He’s getting his karma now!
Karma is a B-tch, so be careful of what you do to others because karma will come back and bite you in the a-s
Karma is a B-tch, so be careful of what you do to others because karma will come back and bite you in the a-s
I don’t understand why Dwyane Wade isn’t put in jail when he doesn’t bring her the kids..not fair.
Things that make you go hmmmm. Everytime Sio has violated court orders she has faced sanctions. But I guess the rules don’t apply to Wade smh.
She is winning for a reason, because God doesn’t like ugly. His future in the NBA is a little bit shaky due to the injuries. His reputation has suffered due to the break baby. Yes he has money but the minute his ex wife is awarded joint custody of the kids hell will break loose with his mental state. She got her 5 million from divorce settlement and that was after she embarrassed him on the streets. She is winning everyday. If she was so crazy like he made her out to be she wouldn’t be succeeding the way she is. She is actually a really smart woman who if I’m mistaken is in law school.
Team Sio!
Damn Sio is not playing at all! I can’t even be mad! He deserves this!
Her attorney is Lisa Macci. If you go to her website there is an order that she filed to the higher court. In that order it is stated that D. Wade requested that Sio have two hours to return her eldest son’s phone call but later he wanted it reduced to Half an hour. Meaning she has 30 minutes to return her son’s phone call or else she won’t talk to him. My jaw dropped when I read that.
Good for Sio.
They look drunk in this pic.
I’ve always been sympathetic towards Siovaughn, b/c her hurt was so raw & painful it had to be the truth. I knew he & Gabby were seeing each other while he was still involved in his marriage. However that’s no longer here nor there. She deserves her kids, plain & simple. He needs to focus on Gabby & his break baby. He came to court unprepared b/c he’s to bsy readying himself for his nuptuals to Gabby in August. And like someone else stated, he’s used to doing little or nothing to win against Sio in court, so he wasn’t expecting this.
I’m glad she winning! Believed her from day 1
I guess she aint so crazy after all like people kept sayin she needs to let this go and she needs to peacefully co-parent and get it together and blah blah blah. Nobody truly knows the hell dude put her thru and using their kids to do it.
Dwade ain’t as cute as i thought.