By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Is there a Wale and Meek Mill beef in the works? Meek Mill has been in the headlines as of late due to K Michelle’s fallout with Elle Varner, but it appears the MMG rapper may have a beef brewing of his own.
Earlier today, Meek fired off a round of tweets slamming his label mate Wale all because he feels Wale was wrong for not tweeting about his upcoming album.
Meek’s next studio album is slated to drop in September, but he’s pissed Wale hasn’t promoted it on his Twitter account.
He tweets (read tweets from bottom to top):
Wale responded with an Instagram post, and he claims he planned to change his Avi when it was time for Meek’s album to drop and he honestly feels like Meek never really promotes him:
I guess both of them are on their periods.
Nah Meek is on his period. Wale was minding his own business so we can’t fault him for any of this. Meek is very immature and should have picked up the phone and called Wale if he was feeling some type of way.
Agreed. This was all Meek.
This has to be the dumbest beef ever. I can see why Meek Mill and K Michelle didn’t work out. They are too much alike. Petty and emotional.
OMG this!
Why does Wale need to tweet about an album that doesn’t even come out until September?
That’s what I need to understand too. That damn album doesn’t come out until two months from now. What is tweeting about it today going to do? Nothing. Meek is in his feelings and doing the most as usual.
Out of all the things to get mad at, they are beefing because he didn’t tweet about an album that doesn’t even come out until September? I can’t with these emotional a-s rappers.
Man, I miss the days when men weren’t a bunch of emotional females always airing their feelings on social media.
For once I don’t fault Wale, Meek started this. Yea they on the same label but its everybody for himself in the industry. It’s not Wale’s job to promote Meek that’s what you have PR for.
This was petty on Meek’s end. Petty in general and even more petty off the strength of them being “friends” and label mates; because he should have had more respect and handled it differently. Furthermore, “he been hating on me long time now” shows his insecurity. Guys usually squash this type of beef with no problem, but Wale needs to forgive and not forget…’cause you can’t consider someone a friend that has those types of views toward you.
Oh, and one last thing… I LOVED Wale’s reponse. Love him 🙂
Meek is just mad because he knows that album is going to flop. He’s taking his anger on the wrong person. Maybe if he would stop screaming like a banshee in all his music people would be more inclined to buy his stuff. But no one wants to go deaf so they don’t buy it.
LOL!!! So true!
Meek is such a female. This was childish and so unnecessary. I’m riding with Wale on this one.
Sit the f-ck down Meek.
It’s moments like these that I really hate Twitter.
I read all of Meek’s tweets in his screaming voice…
Stupid. Wale needs not to entertain this any further.
The things people beef over nowadays. Smh.
LOL at Meek being mad over Wale not tweeting about his album when it hasn’t even dropped yet.
Meek don’t let your album come between your friendships because it’s not like they sell anyway. Why ruin a good friendship for a flop album?
That was a biotch move by Meek Mill. He could have at least @ him if he wanted to Twitter thug.
Very b-tch made. Ugh Meek Mill is so annoying.
Meek Mill is so lame!
Meek Mill needs to man up. He’s taking Twitter way too seriously.
Meek is a cry baby.