By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Draya and her boo Orlando Scandrick have been hit with breakup rumors thanks to the gossip blogs and social media speculation, and the reality star has taken to Instagram and Twitter to deny their romance is over.
Interestingly enough, it was rumored the couple was on the outs because Orlando had allegedly been caught cheating, so it probably wasn’t smart for him to seemingly flirt with another woman on Instagram recently or at least make Draya think he was being flirty.
The other day Orlando posted a cutesy photo of his adorable daughters and when one female follower said she wanted to play with them, Orlando’s response pissed Draya off (screenshots obtained by Rucuss):
Orlando eventually responded to Draya and told her the young woman is just a friend from college, but he deleted the photo.
Insecure much? Smh sooo basically you don’t have anything better to do than stalk ur man’s IG all day long? Get some business…
Smh. Draya doesn’t trust him because she knows he can’t be trusted. But she will try to hold on to this relationship anyway because she feels validated by it. Very sad.
Careful Draya… your insecurities are showing
LOL. They’re always showing.
His response wasn’t even scandalous! I know plenty of parents who jokingly say the same thing all the time because kids can be a handful no matter how cute they are. Draya needs to really get it together. She’s very insecure and it shows.
She got worked up over nothing.
If you feel like you have to constantly check your man’s IG account/comments, then why be in a relationship with that person?
Draya is just haunted by her past so she will never trust Orlando. She knows better than anyone else how trifling women can be because she used to be the same way herself.
Oh Draya, as soon as you start peeping your man’s IG and Twitter you might as well start calling the movers. Y’all don’t have trust, and without it this “relationship” is pretty much over. The stick a fork in it, it’s done, kind of over!
If she can’t trust him she shouldn’t be with him. I wish more adults would get that.
Pathetic. Draya is so insecure.
Chile Draya is making herself look so stupid. I can’t see anything wrong with what he said. Draya might as well move on because it’s clear she doesn’t trust him at all.
If Draya has time to check every comment written in his pictures, she’s not busy enough. LOL.
If their relationship isn’t over yet, it will be soon by the looks of this IG drama.
She’s calling him weak like she’s caught him cheating before.
She has. *sips tea*
Well you can tell she has by how she overreacted here.
They’re done. I’m not sure why they won’t just accept it and move on officially.
She can’t move on because then everyone on Twitter would drag her for it. She was the one who was bragging about how great he is and how he wouldn’t cheat since the last season of BBWLA. She’s not trying to get embarrassed.
True but in a way isn’t this more embarrassing?
I’m not on Instagram but I would imagine any woman who feels like they have to stalk their S/O’s page isn’t happy in that relationship. You have to be with someone you feel like you can trust because checking after them all the time gets exhausting real fast.
Fly away bird…your relationship is over.
Chantel tried to tell her naive a-s. Smh.
Wow she came in fast as hell. She has to be watching his account every second of the day to have responded so quickly.
So Draya took some time from selling her knockoff swimsuits to monitor her man’s IG account. How pathetic.
Damn Draya looking kind of weak lmao.
Most men don’t like insecure women. I wouldn’t blame Orlando if he ever break things off with her if she is that insecure to check a woman out who wasn’t even flirting with her boyfriend.
“Most men don’t like insecure women…” [PREACH]
I don’t get women that do this. If I have to keep checking up behind you to make sure he doesn’t cheat, I can’t be with you. I have to be with a grown man who can control his p-nis and has enough strength to turn down women on his own. I don’t have time to babysit a grown man.
I bet homie is completely turned off now by his woman.
Insecure chicks stay stalking their man’s IG and Twitter…
They sure do.
Orlando will be the one to leave. I’m calling it now.
I’d rather be single than be with someone I felt I couldn’t trust. Maybe that’s just me though.
I cosign every comment!!! Draya is an insecure chick who has played the side chick role so she knows what’s up and doesn’t want to leave Orlando because she feels like with him she is finally seen as a respectable woman. Silly rabbit she will always been seen as a stripper ho who neglected her child and made a come up.
SMDH. He wasn’t even flirting.
I honestly if I suspect my man cheating and I have proof then that’s the end for me.. The way I found him I’ll find another. I don’t have time to be playing Instagram detective or checking women for flirting with my man. I have got bills to pay and my time and energy can be spent somewhere productive. Draya is a typical example of a side chick turned main chick. Insecure as hell.
I guess Jackie’s daughter was right.
Yep. And I knew she wasn’t lying.
She spazzed over nothing.
It’s hard for former side chicks to trust men.
Now if this ain’t the truth!
lmao Draya is funny as hell
Draya has a great plastic surgeon.