Black Twitter Gets Pam Oliver Fired?

Photo Credit: FOX
Photo Credit: FOX

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Months ago we reported about how social media went in tragically on widely respected Sports Journalist Pam Oliver for her sideline coverage of the Super Bowl.

Lots of people took to Twitter to poke fun at Pam’s wig and the memes posted on Instagram were pretty terrible too. However, Pam feels it was Black Twitter who went in on her the hardest, and she clapped back at her critics in an interview.

Interestingly enough, Pam Oliver has now been demoted from the same position she’s had for about 20 years, and she’s now been replaced by Erin Andrews. A lot of people seem to think Pam’s Twitter dragging may have played a role.

Sports Illustrated writes:

Pam Oliver is no longer Fox’s top NFL sideline reporter. And after this coming football season, she will no longer be a sideline reporter at all.

Oliver confirmed the news to Sports Illustrated on Sunday night that she will move to the network’s No. 2 team for her 20th NFL broadcasting season. Erin Andrews has been elevated to the No. 1 sideline spot, joining the team of Joe Buck and Troy Aikman. Oliver’s last season working as a reporter on the NFL will be spent with the No. 2 Fox team of Kevin Burkhardt and John Lynch.


Pam says the change is very “disappointing” but she is thankful she stood out on the sidelines for so many years.


  1. This is one of those times I really can’t stand Twitter. We have so much power but we use it to hurt each other. Very sad.

  2. This is just…Lord. I have no words. I can’t stand the kind of people who sit on Twitter and make fun of people all day. They need to get a life.

  3. I think Fox already wanted to get rid of her but the Twitter dragging made them move sooner. It’s messed up but once a company sees your own people aren’t behind you, they feel they have no reason to keep you.

    1. Omg this!!!!! I think they wanted to get rid if her but the Twitter thing made them do it sooner. Either way it’s not cool how people went in on her.

  4. I don’t agree with this black twitter getting her fired. It probably contributed to her getting fired but it wasn’t the sole reason. They were going to demote her anyway because Erin Andrews is Fox’s new “it” girl it was going to happen because Erin fits the demographic they are trying to reach. It definitely isn’t right because this a blow to the women of color in the media but to act like twitter is the sole cause of her to lose her job is stupid. This was more of a business move than anything.

  5. All employers pay attention to social media. Especially those in the media. People get fired all the time if social media doesn’t approve. Those tweets did hurt her and made her exit happen sooner than later. Erin can never fill her shoes.

    1. BINGO!!!! Notice the few female sport reporters they do have look a certain type of way. They are trying to cater to stereotypical ideals how a woman should look and what they think men want to see. It is really sad that it isn’t about job performance any more but about how you look.

  6. I think Twitter played a small role. They wanted her out and it confirmed to them she needed to go. Sad but it’s the business for you. They are always doing black women dirty.

  7. Hmmmm. Who did she sleep wit to get bumped up in a promotion? OAN I think Pam should’ve revamped herself. I mean if you are in front of cameras all the time and you are getting money. There shouldn’t be no reason why your hair isn’t up to par. There’s bishes out her workin in H&M or have no job whose hair looks better than hers……this world is plagued on looks first who you know second and brains later…she has gots to do better

  8. Mean Tweets? Here’s a nice one: She’s no Jemele Hill. I’ve never seen any marbles fall out of Pam’s mouth. Keep up the good work.

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