By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Several days ago we told you it appeared Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran were on the rocks yet again because of their latest Twitter antics, but Chris obviously has even more jabs to take at his on and off girlfriend.
The other day he tweeted the following, seemingly shading Karrueche and some of her friends (read tweets from bottom to top):
Interestingly enough, Karrueche’s camp is firing back and they told TMZ she left Chris because she is absolutely sick of his antics:
Our sources say Karrueche exploded when Chris recently “liked” 2 fan photos on Instagram of Rihanna and him together.
But Rihanna was only a small part of Karrueche’s problems with Chris. We’re told she was unhappy for a long time … as sources put it, because “Chris acts immature, like a child.” She thinks he’s ruining his life by spending more time partying than making music.
Chris’ reaction to the break up has been breathtaking. He went to St. Tropez this week and took a very good friend of Karrueche’s along for the ride. And he made a point to be photographed with her … making sure Karrueche would see it.
Karrueche’s reaction was not jealousy. We’re told she’s changed her phone number … specifically so Chris couldn’t contact her.
…then Chris will put down the crack pipe, realizes he misses his doormat, and she’ll go running back! *sucks teeth*
Girl bye. You’ll be back.
Pretty much.
Karrueche needs more people. I don’t believe for a second they won’t get back together.
Both of them are too immature for me.
The Doormat will be back with Chris by next week.
I want to believe Karrueche but I know better. *sighs*
They’re so dramatic and annoying. Lol.
I’m not the biggest Chris Brown fan but these stories sound stupid. He’s immature because he’s young. If he was 30 this would be a shock. They always try to paint her in a good light but I think she has benefited an extreme amount from this relationship so much so she can fake cry on TV.
And she sent TMZ this why? Attention whore.
Why are they doing the most? They’re just going to get back together like they always do.
Lord they exhaust me. LOL!
Both of them really need to move on this time. They will never work.
So dating a celeb gets you a verified twitter account & a camp that speaks for you. Oh yea she’s a model & a clothing designer. Meanwhile me making & selling bridges gets no recognition. Chuckles & giggles
LOL right! And why does she have a publicist? SMH.
Christian Millan is her publicity on the low low
Bye Karrueche.
I’m so tired of Chris and Karrueche I don’t know what to do. There’s no need to publicize a breakup and act up on social media if you’re just going to get back together like nothing happened in a few weeks. I’m starting to feel like they do this for attention.
I never take women seriously when they say they changed their number to get over an ex because most of the times they end up contacting their ex anyway.
Chris needs to grow up and Karrueche needs to leave him permanantly.
Chris needs to remember who had his back when he was in jail his court sh-t is not over karma is a b-tch.