By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran reportedly broke up once again about a week ago after Chris liked a fan made Chrihanna photo on Instagram, and Chris’ camp claimed he ended things because he felt like Karrueche was nothing more than an opportunist.
Regardless, the on and off couple is once again back on, and many have been slamming Karrueche on social media because they feel her behavior is a bit on the weak side.
Karrueche mildly responded to the critics and posted the following to Instagram yesterday:
Then take that sh-t elsewhere and stop putting out in the media every time y’all does something the other one hates.
We wouldn’t know, if you didn’t put it out there you weak b-tch! Ugh, I can’t stand this trick!!!
Lol true true
Girl hush. There’s nothing deep or complicated about your little teenage relationship. Ain’t nothing grown or hard to understand about two toxic attention whoring people who enjoy breaking up and getting back together for relevance.
Well damn.
Well said.
I can’t even explain how sick I am of these two.
Sigh…there’s really nothing complicated about being too lazy to move on from an unhealthy relationship. But ok.
Girl you know you have to let these fools think they are deep. LOL.
Oh girl please.
I expect to see them on Couples Therapy or Love and Hip Hop in a few years.
The Doormat needs so much attention. Even more than Chris.
*sigh* *rolls eyes*
Damn how much attention do they really need? I didn’t realize until recently how thirsty both of them are. That is the only reason they keep breaking up the way they do. They love the attention.
What’s so complicated about them? They are no different than all the other annoying couples who break up every week and live for IG likes and popularity.
I agree with whoever it was on here who said these two are going to lose their minds when he public tsp caring about their ridiculous relationship.
*sucks teeth*
I wish Chris would focus on his music career and stop the antics.
Hey where you been missed you.
Hey hon! I’ve been lurking. I’ve been too disappointed in Chris lately to even comment like I used to. Smh.