Joe Budden Adds Fuel to the Fire

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Former LHHNY star Joe Budden is currently being investigated thanks to his ex girlfriend accusing him of domestic violence, but the rapper took to his Twitter account recently to deny the serious accusations.

Although it would probably be wise to refrain from tweeting about the matter until the investigation wraps up, Joe just tweeted himself into an even stickier situation (read tweets from bottom to top):

joe budden twitter 2joe budden twitter


  1. Well sense his dumb a-s just confirmed her story, I hope these tweets are used as evidence.

    “Real women don’t call the cops”…negro, you lucky that’s all she called. Some women would have family waiting on your a-s!

  2. Does he not realize these tweets are making him look guilty? I don’t understand how he can be so foolish and tweet this.

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