By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Atlanta Exes” star Torrei Hart caught a lot of backlash for agreeing to do the VH1 spinoff show and Kevin Hart’s fans have labeled her as a bitter hater who refuses to move on with her life.
But Torrei wants people to know she’s not bitter and she’s about tired of people calling her so.
She tells the Christian Post:
“For some reason [critics] equate hurt with bitterness … when you’re doing a show called “Atlanta Exes,” of course a lot of the questions that are being asked are going to be about my ex. It’s not like I’m just going around bringing his name up … I’m not bitter. I was hurt so I do speak about being hurt and I think I should. I think if you can’t be honest about your emotions and be real then what is the point of doing a reality show? I don’t hide [anything]. I’m very truthful [and] raw.”
Torrei also tells the site that she and her boyfriend are approaching their one year anniversary.
Well when you sign up for a show that forces you to talk about your ex, you can’t be annoyed when people think you’re bitter.
Well it also depends on how the person acts on the show. Like Ceelo’s wife doesn’t seem bitter to me. She seems like a cool chick. Torrei and Tameka seem angry and bitter all the time. And Torrei has cried about Kevin at least three times already despite having a boyfriend. Then she still shades Kevin and Eniko on Twitter. That is why people think she’s bitter.
She’s so blah.
I liked her before the show. Not so much now.
My sentiments exactly.
I think she’s going to end up regretting doing this show.
People forget Kevin talked about his entire marriage in a comedic routine. So she can’t profit like him? I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt and hopes she uses the show as a stepping stone for her to build a career. Now if she is still talking about Kevin in the next 2 to 3 years then forget about what I said.
Everything you said!!!!!
Still can’t get over how nasty her attitude has been on the show.
Kevin upgraded.
You don’t think Torrei is attractive?
She’s not ugly but she’s not gorgeous either. Eniko is bad!
I wouldn’t say she’s bitter just yet but Tameka definitely is.
Yup!!! Tameka won’t even get rid of his clothes.
Well then what are people supposed to make from her still crying over Kevin like four years after the divorce? And I would really like to know how her man feels about her crying over her ex on TV.
Her man is her manager…All he probably cares about are the ratings.
This show has gotten kind of boring. I’m losing interest,
Torrei needs to move on with her life and act like she actually has a man.
I don’t think Torrrie and Tameka are bitter; but hardened by their situations. Some situations can come in and harden you; so much that you have this wall and your guard up. You can come off as bitter, but in reality it’s your defense mechanism because you’re carrying around a lot of hurt and pain. When you release that pain and finally heal you will feel the weight of its release off of you and you’ll be like wow; I didn’t know I was carrying all that. I’ve been there so I know. With Tameka my heart goes out to her. When she was with Usher the media and others dogged her. Even his mom didn’t like her and didn’t even come to the wedding; you know what they say about your relationship if his mom doesn’t like you; it won’t last. Plus everything else she has went through in the past few years. Torrrie seems like a handful. I think she is a cute girl; she reminds me of Naturi Naughton, but she seems like she stays ready to go for your jugular. Usually when someone is like that; they are dealing with some personal insecurities.
Well said.