By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
With Chris Brown projected to have a strong first week in album sales, the singer has still committed to making press rounds and he’s even opening up about his girlfriend Karrueche Tran.
In a recent interview with MTV News, Chris talked a little about Karrueche’s BET and Blue Ivy drama and he admits he does wish she would have handled the situation differently.
He says:
“We had a conversation about that, too, but she’s good. I know the comment on the prompter was kinda left field — I don’t know who wrote it up, or [why] it was done — but I told her, next time, because I know it’s your first time doing this, just look at it and say ‘Hey, hey I don’t know about this.’
“But that comes with show business. At the end of the day it has to be something left, or most of the time, negative. I felt it was unnecessary.”
Check out the video below:
How about you advise her to find a real job, Chris instead of leaching of the fact she’s sleeping with you? How about that?
Why is everybody calling her a gold digger. Most celebrity men Mary regular non rich or wealthy women. Why is it different for Kerruche?
The backlash was necessary Chris. You just don’t make fun of a child ever rich or poor and your doormat girlfriend should have known better.
He knows his doormat has a low IQ. That’s why she continues to deal with him.
What is that ish in his mouth? I hate when good looking men intentionally do whatever they can to make themselves unattractive.
He’s not all that though.
He looks a much better than you or your boyfriend
You’re stanning for a felon and a gold digger who was working minimum wage at Forever 21 until Chris was dumped by Rihanna. Your mother should have swallowed.
Boy stop. That girl got a very much deserved dragging and I’m glad. I may not be a Beyonce fan in the least, but I don’t play when it comes to our black kids. Come for them and even I will be BeyHive for a day and snatch your edges off on Twitter.
All of this. I’m not in the Hive but that dragging was well deserved. You don’t come for anyone’s kids. The parents are fair game but it ends there. People like to get on the Internet and on Twitter etc. and be bold knowing they wouldn’t say this stuff in real life because in real life you’ll get checked for it. Cowards.
They dragged her so bad on Twitter man it was nuts!!!
Karrueche lost my support that day. I always tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I have an issue with a biracial woman making fun of a little black girl’s hair. Especially when Karreuche is always fawning over North West. When she saw the joke on the teleprompter, she should have said I can’t do this. She went through with it and even laughed because she found it funny.
Agreed. And all the babies I’ve seen her praise were mixed looking. So yeah she has some issues.
So he basically said what we all said numerous times which is she should have had enough common sense not to go forward with the joke.
Karruche knew that sh-t was wrong, but she wanted the gig so bad she was willing to do whatever, after all, it was only about a black child. Now if it’d been North West, bet that b-tch would’ve suddenly grown a a conscience, and something vaguely resembling a backbone.
Does Karrueche even have friends who are black girls? I mean real black girls. Not mixed with anything? Hmm…
Nope. And I’ll leave it at that.
She posts her niece all the time who is black and I’ve seen people comment and call the little girl ugly.
Well has Chris dated any black girls besides Rihanna? LOL.
As many photos as she posts on IG, I’ve never seen one with her and a black female. Most of her friends seem to be mixed, or white.
Whatever. Her half apology told me everything I needed to know about her. She still hasn’t taken responsibility for going through with the that terrible joke.
These two losers deserve each other.
So many excuses. She shouldn’t have said period.
Man if I were Karate I’d be SO hot at Chris!!! You didn’t speak up when it was happening, and now that things have seemingly simmered down, you want to bring it up?! Just talk about your album and leave me out of it…..
Now you know that doormat doesn’t mind. As long as she can have access to his money, she will tolerate anything.
I must have forgotten who we were talking about, huh? LOL. Idk her reasoning for being so loyal but damnit if she doesn’t look like a fool for it.
Chris looks so fckn gross….who told him them gold teeth on the bottom was cute??? And is it me or does he look like he’s 30 something? Sad……OAN: his girl is just dumb and she will Neva be nothin more but a dumb pretty face…..Chris seems to only b wit this chick cuz she is pretty and dumb. And beneath him….he needs this chick to cater to his ego….some men don’t want smart successful get their own money type of chicks…..cuz if she was ….she wouldn’t b bothered wit Chris anywhoo.
He better stop before the Hive drags Karrueche again.
He would have been better off by saying,”no comment, let’s talk about this album”.
Neither he nor Kae have ever figured out that they don’t have to respond to everything. That’s why he stays in trouble and she’s always getting dragged.