By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Several days ago R&B singer August Alsina made headlines because he passed out in the middle of his recent performance in New York, and his camp claimed he had the scare because he was severely dehydrated. But now it’s been confirmed the singer actually suffered from seizures and he was even in a coma for three days.
Fameolous writes:
Earlier this week, singer August Alsina passed out while performing on stage and was rushed to the hospital only to fall into a coma. After three days in a coma, August Alsina has released a statement:
“This is a bit graphic bit I wanted to share this w/every follower of mine. iWoke up out of 3 day coma… &This guy @banggang_moneyteam right here never once left my side. What I’m tryna say is cherish the ones in life who cherish you & take good care of yourself. Your life can be gone in a split second’. I’m recovering well and thank you for all of your prayers & concerns. -Yung”
Umm I didn’t think dehydration caused comas…
It can. But it has to be very severe.
You learn something new everyday. Thanks.
Didn’t know this.
I told y’all it was drugs. Ain’t no damn dehydration or weed going to put you in a coma for three days. He’s from the NO so he’s probably on that LEAN.
You may be right. If so, I hope this will make him slow down some or give up these habits.
Severe dehydration can cause a person to go into a coma and have seizures.
Damn he was in a coma? Dehydration my a-s.
He’s definitely growing on me as an artist. But I’m not going to pretend that this whole situation doesn’t seem like drugs are a problem for him. He needs to get it together.
*side eye*
*sips tea*
I’m glad my husband is feeling better.
Glad to see he’s doing better.
I’m definitely a August fan! So I have to say I have read that he did hit his head when he fell off stage and “allegedly” marijuana was the only drug found him his system…not sure how true the reports are. But any who I’m just happy he’s okay!
I had no idea he was in a coma. That’s crazy.
He can still get it tho.
Fine a-s.
Actually he was put into a coma by doctors