Marvin Sapp Calls out Christian Groupies

Photo Credit: Facebook
Photo Credit: Facebook

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Super Gospel singer Marvin Sapp lost his wife MaLinda Sapp in 2010 to colon cancer, and he’s decided to forgo dating and just focus on his music career as a means to coping.

Interestingly enough, apparently he’s having issues with “Christian groupies” because not only are some women showing up to his house unannounced, but he’s also had multiple stalkers.

Annoyed by the issue, Marvin took his official Facebook page to call out groupies:

marvin sapp facebook


  1. It’s sad he even had to do this. Sadly I know some women were excited when his wife passed because now they think they have a chance.

  2. I keep trying to tell people a lot of messed up people are in the church stirring up mess. They need to let that man mourn in peace.

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