By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Michael Dunn was recently convicted of first degree murder for the killing of unarmed teen Jordan Davis, and now it’s been confirmed that Jordan’s murderer has been sentenced.
Dunn was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
NBC News writes:
A Florida man convicted of first-degree murder for shooting a teenager to death over loud music was sentenced to life without parole Friday. Michael Dunn, 47, was convicted of killing Jordan Davis, 17, in November 2012 after he shot into a SUV of four teenagers 10 times when an argument broke out over loud music coming from the teens’ vehicle. Dunn was sentenced to an additional 90 years in prison for three attempted murder convictions and another 15 years for firing into an occupied vehicle. “Our justice system works. This case demonstrates that our justice system does work,” said Judge Russell Healey at the sentencing.
Look at Florida finally getting it right for once.
So there really is justice to be found in Florida for black people after all?
Now was it only me that caught the subtle shade from the judge?
I caught it too.
Judge to Michael Dunn: “Mr. Dunn, your life is effectively over.” Florida finally got something right. RIP to Jordan Davis.
Every now and then they throw us a bone so they can say, look, we’re not racists and we do care about justice for blacks. I see right through this.
Hmm you may be right. This is still great news though.
This is awesome.
I know his parents are relieved. That man is a sick soul for killing someone over loud music.
Thank God.
Florida still has issues. This is good news though.
Bout time.
So relieved to hear this, but my boycott of Florida is still on.
Good news, for once. RIP young King.