By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Tennis superstars Serena and Venus Williams have been champions on the court for so long that even higher-ups in the sport seek to tear them down any way possible.
The other day Russian Tennis Federation President Shamil Tarpischev actually referred to the sisters as men during a late TV night appearance.
When former RTA player Elena Dementieva appeared on “Evening Urgant” and was asked what it was like to go up against the Williams Sisters, Tarpischev interrupted and called them the “Williams Brothers.”
Tarpischev continued to trash the sisters and said, “It’s frightening when you look at them. But really you just need to play against the ball.”
Tarpischev was fined $25,000 by the WTA Tour, and suspended from any tour involvement for a year.
Serena addressed the comments and made it clear she feels the digs were racist. She says:
“I think the WTA did a great job of taking [the] initiative and taking immediate action to his comments. I thought they were very insensitive and extremely sexist as well as racist at the same time. I thought they were in a way bullying.”
The comments were rude and uncalled for for sure but not racist…not everything that is offensive is racist
I strongly disagree. Read up on race, slavery and American history.
I stand by my comment and I respect your right to disagree with my comment and I would agree with the comments being racist had he called the “nappy headed” or “apes” but he referred to them as manly looking and scary to look at, which is honestly not the first time I have heard these women referred to as that, so to me the comments were just rude, uncalled for and disrespectful.
Uh you do know lots of racist white people say black women look like men? And that we’re very aggressive and masculine? :-/
I do agree that the comments were very disrespectful, ignorant and rude, pulling the race card is only a defense mechanism for people who don’t actually know history. Since American history with regard to slavery, were mentioned, lets check facts. The origin of slavery in America, had nothing to with Russia at all. It was actually with Great Britain and France. Yes Russia did have slavery, but the majority of their slavery was within their own race due to poverty. I know when I was in school I don’t remember Russia being mentioned until we got to the USSR and communism. Russians have a history of being superior, not racist. So yes the comments were disrespectful, but not racist. He was putting himself on a pedestal of superiority of being better not because his skin is lighter.
Ok. So let’s put it this way because you and Libra are charting into some tricky territory. So by the logic you all are presenting, you’re basically saying his remarks weren’t racist because black people have called Venus and Serena manly looking. Ok. Cool. So then you have to also say that Don Imus calling those black female basketball players nappy headed hoes wasn’t racist either, because black people have been calling each other nappy for decades and Nicki Minaj used the phrase in one of her songs. So Don Imus is cleared now, right?
Also, the N word isn’t a racist word because black people use it all the time, right?
What happened to Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, and Eric Garner wasn’t racist because black people kill each other everyday, right?
Whites calling Michelle Obama an ape, masculine looking, etc. isn’t racist because we call each other apes too, correct?
And you want to pretend racism against black people I’m Russia hasn’t been well documented?
Did I get it right this time?
Actually what I was pointing out is that you pulled AMERICAN history into this, and it has nothing to do with it. He simply said she looks like a man in the face, which she does. So if I said that girl looks like an orange because she tans too much, does that make me racist against white people? I am certainly not excusing anything especially in a situation where a person is intentionally being racist. I don’t excuse anyone being called any name by any means necessary. Discrimination does not just exist with race, it also exists with gender, orientation and so forth. I am just trying to bring light to the fact that every time a white person says something negative about a black person, it is not always racist just ignorant and insensitve.
@ Virgo Lady,
You’re pathetic. So the whole reason you hopped on your fake soap box is really because you’re one of the ignorant black people who trashes this woman. Makes sense. The only people who would defend this man have to be other white racists or ignorant black people who have no problems using historically racist tones against their own people.
Lastly, I brought up American History because if you actually did the research (which you didn’t because you’re the typical black crab), you’d know that the portrayal of black women being more aggressive and masculine than their white counterparts in the media has been going on for a very long time. And him being from Russia increases the likelihood of him being racist since Russia’s racism towards blacks has been well documented. Don’t reply to me ever again, you ignorant tap dancing buffoon.
Libra, are you proud that you have scum like this defending your ignorant stance on this topic? Let me guess, you also think Serena looks like a man. Got it. I’m now even more embarrassed for you.
Read between the lines.
His comments were racist because he would’ve never have said them about two Caucasian sisters who perform at the same level as Venus and Serena. Maria Sharpova is 6’2″ with incredibly broad shoulders that make her look like a line-backer in many of her outfits – something that is often commented on by fashion sites, etc. Never once has that worm made these comments about her. Is it because she white, and Russian?
Ok, and I can see you point of view and I respect it, however in my opinion and thats all it is, my opinion, I do not agree with the comments being racist.
I can see why you say this. His comments on the Williams sisters were very disrespectful and nasty but racist I too don’t think it was. I have seen many people and plenty on this site refer to black women like Teyana Taylor, Towanda Braxton, K Michelle and Janay Palmer just to name a few as manly looking or horse-faced so is that racist too or the ignorant opinions of others on someone’s outward appearance? The references made against the first lady and the comments made by Don Imus that time were definitely without a doubt racist. This guy was being an a-hole.
Agreed. Which is why i considered his comments more ignorant and disrespectful over being racist. Black people have called these women manly looking for years along other women. Are they racist or simply ignorant and rude for taking the low road and judging their appearance because there is nothing else to judge about this person who they dont know and will probably never meet.
Libra, your logic is absurd. Ok, so then let’s take it a step further. I’ll play Devil’s advocate. Don Imus calling those black female basketball players nappy headed hoes wasn’t racist because black people have been calling each other nappy for decades and Nicki Minaj even used the phrase in a song so that means the term isn’t racist and Don Imus is cleared, right?
I’ve also seen black people call each other apes and manly looking, so that means the white republicans who call Michelle Obama an ape aren’t racist, right?
What happened to Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner wasn’t racist because black people kill each other everyday, right?
And the N word isn’t racist because black people use it all the time, right?
That is your logic and it’s extremely dangerous.
This. It’s like if some of us don’t get called the N word or apes, we can’t detect racism. Thank goodness Serena can read between the lines. More black people need to do the same.
*side eye*
That was very bold of him. Racist a-shole.
The crazy thing is this is said about a lot of black women in the mainstream. They call the First Lady an ape, Serena and Venus men, and it’s not a coincidence. These comments go back to slavery days.
So disrespectful.
She responded to the ignorance in a classy way. I respect that.
He needs to be slapped.
Wow. Some people have no shame.
I don’t know why people keep coming for Venus and Serena. They’re more successful than most of us will ever be.
Some people just cannot stand seeing black women succeeding. Smh.