By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Draya may have rekindled her rocky romance with Dallas Cowboys cornerback Orlando Scandrick, but the other day it was reported that one of Draya’s ex-boyfriends has slapped her with a lawsuit over what he claims is a “raunchy home video” they made recently.
The ex even claimed the last time he slept with Draya, she was dating Orlando at the time, but now Draya is speaking out and she claims her ex is lying and the lawsuit he filed is just an attempt to get money from her (screenshot obtained by Baller Alert):
Bish lying.
Ok so this is the same guy who tried to blackmail her before. And since it is, I have to say I believe Draya. This guy has been trying to get money out of her for a good minute now.
If he’s been doing this for a while now and he’s lying, she needs to pursue legal action.
Is it wrong that I actually believe her? I just feel if there really was a tape, it would have leaked by now.
It’s possible she’s telling the truth. I just have to side eye her because her track record ain’t that good. LOL.
That’s how I’m feeling about it. Draya has been on the scene for a while, and you mean to tell me there’s a tape out there and it ain’t on the Internet by now? Not buying it.
Yea whatever Draya. People always deny until the tape is about to come out just ask Iggy.
Does Draya even have money like that to the point that someone would try to extort her?
That’s what I need to know too.
Yeah we’ll see. If there’s a tape, it will leak eventually. It always does.
Girl bye.
I don’t believe her.
Does everyone have a sex tape now? Sheesh.
This must be a sad a$$ dude tryna get put on and money out of Draya….I mean like does she even have it like that for some1 to try to get money out of her??? Lol ain’t like she is Oprah….SMDH this is pure comedy…like Draya needs to stop tryna make herself pop…it’s not happening boo
Everybody is trying to be “Mimi” with her dry-a-s tape nowadays. So either a tape will turn up, or it won’t. Till then she’s has to wonder why her rep is so bad that most don’t believe her, and he’s a money-grubbing ho!
You just never know with Draya’s ratchet a-s.
She needs more people.
Bird behavior.