By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Rapper Iggy Azalea is still seeing a major career boost thanks to her hit single “Fancy,” and this past weekend she was the chosen performer for the latest taping of “Saturday Night Live.”
However, folks are speculating that the rapper actually lip synced her entire performance.
The New York Daily News writes:
Just call it “Saturday Night Lip Sync.” Iggy Azalea, musical guest on last Saturday’s “SNL,” did just that as her hit “Fancy” played on a prerecorded track, we’re told. One audience member calls it “completely obvious,” saying, “There was a track, everyone knew.”
Iggy took to her Twitter account to slam the accusations, and she claims she only used a backing track (read tweets from bottom to top):
Could somebody wake me when her 15 mins are up? Thanks!
It was so obvious she was lip syncing the entire time. Sigh…
I thought she always lip synced?
This basic looking barbie is always full of excuses girl bye.
Yes, she is full of excuses and Full of herself too!! Hope she knows the clock is ticking….tic tock, tic tock….
This is why we have to support Nicki y’all!!
Why the hell does a rapper need to lip sync? I don’t get that sh-t. Lol.
How lazy.
I really don’t get the hype over this woman. Yes, her songs are catchy but that’s about it.
She’s supposedly cute, if you’re into b-tch-looking albinos, that is!!!
That’s really offensive to albino’s. They are beautiful human beings…. Compare her to something else
See….I was all prepared to play nice till I got to your last sentence, so I’ll keep my comment as is. Thanks! If you actually read it, you’d realise that I didnt insult albinos, I insulted Iggy. But you wanted to get on your soapbox, didn’t you? How about you climb down off said box and out your feelings. How about that?
Well she’s the complexion for the protection so she will continue to get away with her laziness and mediocrity.
I don’t know if she lip synched or not but I know that performance was trash. Both of them. She will only be able to ride off white privilege for so long before they replace her with someone else. At least Eminem can actually rap.
Terrible performance.
Why would you lip sync if you aren’t dancing or singing?! You’re a rapper.. part of your talent is saying words fast with a distinctive (artificial) sound… Girl bye
Wasn’t nicki lipsyncing at summer jam?
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Boy bye. I’ve seen Nicki perform in person on several occasions, and she rapped AND sang LIVE each time. So we know she can actually do it. Iggy ALWAYS lip syncs. But you tried though. Po lil
Tink Tink. #ShadeFail