By: Amanda Anderson-Nles
The other day TMZ claimed Royce Reed sought the help of Children Services in Florida because she felt Dwight Howard went overboard in spanking their son Braylon with a belt, but the site got confirmation that the investigation was closed because it wasn’t proven that the NBA star went overboard.
However, TMZ is now claiming that doctors are backing up Royce:
TMZ Sports has obtained documents from the Dept. of Children and Families (DCF), summarizing the findings of the doctor who examined Braylon. It says, “Dr. Kesler noted Braylon to have a linear bruise and patterned abrasions consistent with the history given by Braylon of being struck with a belt numerous times by his father.”
The report goes on to say the injuries were “consistent with Braylon being struck with the buckle end of the belt … with excessive force, resulting in soft tissue injuries such as bruising and abrasions.”
And the report indicates Dr. Kesler found the injuries lasted longer than 24 hours and were “consistent with a medical diagnosis of physical abuse.”
And the doctor recommended that Howard participate in parenting classes and use methods other than corporal punishment to discipline his son.
TMZ finds it odd that the doctor’s writeup wasn’t enough to hold Dwight accountable and some are thinking his NBA status saved him from getting in lots of trouble.
Of course he got off because of who he is. Plus I’m sure the NBA doesn’t want a Adrian Peterson situation on its hands.
So basically he was wrong but he’s going to get away with it. Not surprised.
Dwight’s messes are always getting cleaned up. Like what in the hell happened with him messing with that teenage girl? That got silenced fast.
Yeah I forgot all about that.
Interesting. Looks like the cleaners handled this. When you have the money and status, you can get away with most things.
I hope she got herself a good lawyer.
Why is a 6″11 275lb man spanking a child with a belt. I hope women are really paying attention that having babies by these athletes ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Royce & Siovaughn are living proof of that.
So she wasn’t lying. Hmm.
Well that’s a first! They both have done such questionable sh-t, I never know who to believe. Usually I pick Option C – No one!
You are so right Royce has done some things to hurt her credibility so I honestly didn’t know what to believe.
If he hurt that child, he needs to be held responsible. Being famous and rich doesn’t excuse it.
So he actually used the buckle to spank that child? That’s def abuse.