Tyrese Makes a Big Announcement

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

R&B singer and actor Tyrese had a frustrating experience when he attempted to collaborate with peers Ginuwine and Tank by forming TGT, but now Tyrese has decided that it’s time for him to pull the plug on his music career completely.

Tyrese took to his Instagram account to let his followers know that he’s putting out one more solo album and then focusing on acting solely:

tyrese instagram

tyrese instagram 2


Interestingly enough, Tank claimed the same on his Instagram account last month.


  1. Yeah it’s time for him to bounce. The industry has gone to sh-t thanks to streaming. And the only R&B artists who can sell are the white ones and Beyonce. Artists aren’t making the money they deserve anymore.

  2. He’s lucky because a lot of people aren’t as fortunate to have a steady acting career to go to when the music thing doesn’t work out.

  3. He’s a dumba-s and I had to unfollow his a-s on Twitter but he does make good music. There’s no debating that. I’m sure he will go out with a bang.

  4. He’s abandoning a sinking ship. R&B artists can barely go gold now if they are black. Are they even making money? Artists don’t make much from album sales anymore. You have to go on tour now to make any real money.

  5. I’ve always enjoyed his music. I think it’s better than most of what we hear on the radio nowadays. Best of luck to him.

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