By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Last month rapper Ludacris confirmed he popped the question and had gotten engaged to longtime girlfriend Eudoxie, but sources later confirmed that couple actually got married the same day of the proposal.
Interestingly enough, Ludacris’ baby mama seems to think the quickie wedding was just another way for him to have advantage in their ongoing custody case.
TMZ writes:
Ludacris’ hastily arranged marriage is a cheap trick in his attempt to gain full custody of his daughter … so says a source close to his baby mama.
We’re told Luda’s baby mama, Tamika Fuller, thinks Luda wants to show the judge in their custody fight that he now has a stable, loving household … more conducive to child-rearing than the home of single mom Tamika. She fears a Georgia judge could actually buy what Luda’s selling.
This went left so quick. Lol.
Hmm now I am starting to wonder why they rushed into it. If you get married in the same day, it just seems like there’s a major reason. Either she’s pregnant or his baby mama is 100% correct.
Being a baby mama ain’t as lucrative as it used to be. She may have a point, but she also knew he was with someone when she laid up with him. No sympathy here.
I can agree with you to a certain extent but you don’t know what Luda may have told her regarding his relationship with Eudoxie!
Well I’ll be damned.
Makes sense. But the court may still side with Luda.
I don’t believe this at all. Even if there’s an ulterior motive to their marrying so quickly, I don’t think this is it. Someone is either lying or trying to get attention with this one. Luda has no one but himself to blame tho. Unfortunately, proposing and marrying on the same day couldn’t be looked at as the romantic gesture it was probably meant to be because their situation is so messy. Tangled web indeed.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she is telling the truth I don’t put anything past anybody nowadays. This is a man claiming to be broke to get out of child support but still jetting to private islands.
Why was I expecting her to say or do something?
Well it ain’t like Luda hasn’t lied or done some calculated sh-t before.
I believe her!!!!! Y’all Luda has already been caught lying in court. He told the court he was broke and they found out that was a damn lie!!!! Getting married was the only way he could have an upper advantage in Georgia!!!!
Morals, Values, Good Character, do humans still possess these traits?
Anyway, if Luda does that he will be considered as an a-hole. I’m all for joint custody.
If this is true, Eudoxie should be offended because she was with him for years, he cheated and impregnated someone else, and finally married her just to slight the baby mama he cheated on her with. That’s foul.
I don’t put this past him.
LOL. See this is why he should have never cheated on Eudoxie. Now he’s going to be paying for it for at least 18 years. Some men will never learn.
He’s doing the most for a baby he didn’t even care to see until months after she was born.
It’s funny to me how a woman want child support from a man but does not want him to have access to his child. There’s nothing wrong with him wanting to get custody of his child. They both should grow up and share custody of that little girl.
But she’s not trying to keep him from his daughter. But he’s trying to do that to her by getting full custody. Mind you he refused to see the little girl when she was first born.
Oh here we go. I wish both would stop the antics and just co parent like adults.
I honestly wouldn’t even want to be with a man that Attempts to take custody away from the mother for the wrong reasons. Eudoxie and Gabby Union need to really wake up. What he may do to her, he may likely do to you down the road. I don’t mess with men like these.
I’m team co-parent and joint custody. That is all.
This could be true but she shouldn’t care as long as he’s being a good father.
lmao her bitter a-s
I said it once on here and I’ll say it again, a lot of these “men” like Luda only wanna claim full custody to get out of paying child support and it’s not even about love for the child. Don’t really want the kid but will go to the extreme to convince a judge and some even pay off a judge to take a child from it’s mother just to hang something over her head for the rest of her life. Sad and shame on these punk a$$ men like Luda for $hit like this. I’m all for giving a good father who actually wants to spend time with his child and be a good dad his rights, but when the motive behind it is being vindictive and hateful, I can’t with these “little boys”. Luda created this problem and now he wants to strip this child from her mother to avoid being financially responsible?! Typical b*tch behavior. Though he has to find her an unfit mother, the sad part is, many of these judges here in Atlanta would take a payday over doing the right thing, i.e. Usher! Smfh