By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Amber Rose’s split from Wiz Khalifa got so messy that it was being rumored that their son Sebastian was actually fathered by the limo driver. However, the rumors eventually died down and Wiz Khalifa makes it clear on social media often that his baby boy is his seed.
Regardless, Amber can’t escape from the rumors on her Instagram account.
The other day someone tried to troll her and wrote on a recent video that she posted of Sebastian that he’s actually the limo driver’s son.
Amber clapped back and told the troll that she thinks rumors like these shouldn’t be spread because they could put her son in a position to get bullied at school in the future (screenshot obtained by Baller Alert):
I agree totally with her checking that idiot. But doesn’t she think posting twerking videos, and pics of her a-s cheeks hanging out from bits of dental floss will get him bullied too? Her priorities are all the way wrong.
I like Amber and I’m all for women doing what they please with their bodies but you have a point.
Completely agree.
Her body pays her bills. Just like Kim. If they ever stop getting naked on IG, it’s the end of them.
This won’t be popular opinion but does she not understand her son can be bullied and teased for all her thirsty Instagram pictures too? Or all her twirling videos? She can’t be this naive, right?
*twerking* damn iphone
That little boy looks like Amber and Wiz. People are dumb as sh-t.
Yep he’s the perfect mixture of both.
So her twerking videos won’t get him teased? Oh. Ok.
But sis, you’re a Kim K stan. You don’t think North will get teased more since Kim continues to pose naked for bootleg magazines and even has a sex tape you can watch right now for free on millions of websites? :-/
I came in here to say what a few of you have already said. So yeah, sit down Amber. And yes, she’s still my bish. But she has to know that her MILF status will get Bash teased as well.
Umm sorry Amber can’t use that excuse when she is halfway naked,putting up twerking videos and being a thirst bucket all the time. If she was really worried about her son she wouldn’t be doing what she was doing so she can miss me with this little rant.
I didn’t think people actually believed the limo driver BS.
I don’t think Amber is thirsty… If you payed attention to when she was married she barely posted pics of her naked. She is just like any other Model that makes money of their body. Controversial pics attracts followers. More followers gets you club appearance deals and so forth.
Eh, I’m sure between her and Wiz, bullies will have plenty to tease him about. So she should just focus on molding his self esteem now.
Amen! Kids bully regardless of what parents do for a living.. Just train your child to have tough skin and stand up for themselves and others.
I can’t stand IG trolls. They follow you just to taunt you.
Honestly I think the real person who failed at parenting are the people who raise these Instagram trolls. What kind of person intentionally types things on a celeb’s page just to hurt them and make them angry? My guess would be a terrible human being.
Wow you made a very good point.
People do the most when they think they can hide behind a keyboard.
The irony.