By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Draya had folks thinking she was done with “Basketball Wives LA” after her relationship with Orlando Scandrick became a hot topic and Sundy Carter made some insensitive remarks about her son, but now that Sundy is gone, Draya has decided to remain on the show.
However, the latest gossip suggests producers may be fed up with the reality star.
Reality Tea writes:
According to our source, the ladies are finishing up the season with the requisite “ladies who really hate each other but vacation together on the network’s dime” trip which has become a reality television staple. The BBWLA crew is rounding out the season in Puerto Rico. The insider notes that one former underdog turned fan favorite is noticeably absent from this drama fueled tradition (and we wonder why other countries don’t like us? It’s because we send our best and brightest to belittle their cultures as they toss drinks on one another wearing overly expensive caftans!).
We have been informed that Draya Michele didn’t travel to Puerto Rico with her cast mates and she’s been missing in action at several key events that have been filmed for the show. The insider also hints that not everyone will make it another round no matter how brightly their star has shined in the past. Hmmm….I have my suspicions, but I also can’t imagine any of the ladies, from Draya to Jackie Christie to Malaysia Pargo leaving after the new season on their own accord. Only time will tell, I guess!
As much as she annoys me, Draya is BBWLA. If they fire her, they may as well cancel the show.
They need to cancel the show regardless. LOL.
Well then she’s not holding her weight anymore because last season was a bore. Except for black eye gate.
The real question is why are they even bringing the show back on it’s played out with or without Draya.
It will be boring with or without Draya.
Did they say we send our best and brightest? That’s reaching.
They were being sarcastic when they wrote our best and finest. Believe me it was sarcasm if not this country is on the losing end of the stick if they believe these ladies are the best and finest to send to any country.
So did they cancel Miami?
In Draya’s pea brain, she thinks she’s Kim Kardashian. She thinks she can quit the show and still be famous and have opportunities. But she isn’t married to an A lister. She needs to humble herself and show up to film. If she quits or gets fired, she’ll be forgotten about quickly.
They need to cancel the show………I only watched certain episodes last season to see who was gonna get beat up or who got beat up. Anyway….Draya is wack what is she doing with herself besides this show? NOTHING!!!!!