By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Nick Gordon has been very vocal on Twitter about Bobbi Kristina’s hospitalization, and it’s one of the reasons he was able to book an appearance on “Dr. Phi.”
However, Bobbi Kristina’s aunt, Leolah Brown, is upset he was able to nab an appearance on the talk show, so she wrote the following statement on Facebook:
Dr. Phil,
With all due respect, Nick Gordon is under investigation for the attempted murder of my niece Bobby Kristina Brown. We have strong evidence of foul play. Until this investigation is completed by law enforcement, I would ask that you or anyone else not provide this individual a platform to spin this situation to his benefit.
If Nick Gordon does not have the courage to speak with my brother Bobby Brown and/or law enforcement about what happened the day my niece’s body was found in a bathtub, he does not deserve to have a platform to speak to anyone of your caliber until this investigation is concluded.
Leolah Brown
Keep in mind officers have not confirmed Nick is under investigation for attempted murder.
In related news, Gossip Cop claims Nick allegedly got violent with some Dr. Phil staffers during taping:
As Gossip Cop reported, Gordon sat down with Dr. Phil for what he believed would be an interview about Brown but was actually an intervention staged by Dr. Phil and Gordon’s mother Michelle, who said she feared for her son’s life due to his drug use and alleged suicidal thoughts. The filming took place at an Atlanta hotel, where Gordon was allegedly so drunk and high, he was unable to walk on his own and was instead pushed around on a luggage cart.
Gordon was allegedly incoherent for much of the interview, with TMZ sources blaming a combination of alcohol and Xanax. The site claims, however, that when Gordon realized the meeting was an intervention, he became violent and allegedly punched two “Dr. Phil” staffers. Ultimately, as Gossip Cop reported, Gordon entered a rehab facility after the taping.
According to CBS, the full “Dr. Phil” interview, which is slated to air on Wednesday’s episode, features Gordon discussing the “severe pain, mental anguish and panic attacks he says he has been suffering” since Whitney Houston’s death and Brown’s medical emergency. The meeting is described as “emotionally charged,” with Gordon deemed “out of control.” TMZ previously reported that during the taping, Gordon threatened to kill himself if Brown did not recover.
He also said he was the one who gave Whitney CPR the night she died. Either this dude is a criminal or the angel of death.
I’m thinking criminal. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt before but I can’t anymore. He’s always around when bad things happen.
#DEAD @ angel of death.
criminal. no doubt about it.
He’s deranged. He had problems from jump and only added to the problems Bobbi had. It is nothing but a toxic relationship. Not love.
He doesn’t need to be doing interviews right now. SMH.
Whitney was really all Bobbi Kristina had… The only one in her life that loved her for who she was and poured into her instead of trying to take from her. I guess I say all of that to say that all of them (EVERYBODY) needs to stop giving interviews, not just Nick. The letters, the Facebook posts, the tweets…everybody needs to stop.
This f-ck n-gga is always trying to make a quick dollar off Bobbi. Even her being on life support hasn’t stopped him from using her for his own gain.
Why is he even giving interviews? This is just a sad situation I hope the truth eventually comes out. Everybody is trying to profit from Bobbi Kris yet she is still fighting for her life just sad.
This young man is nothing but more poison in Bobbi’s life. He needs to be kept far, far away from her so she can get the help she needs when she wakes up.
Why is he going on talk shows right now? Is the attention really worth it?
This jerk is suicidal because if Krissi passes away, his gravy train will end. He has been nothing but a moocher ever since Whitney took him in.
Like a previous reply stated, everyone is fighting over her, instead of for her. It’s disturbing. Dr. Phils no fool, he will see thru everyones bs.