By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Pop star Madonna is making her press rounds to promote her latest studio album and as always, she’s making headlines for some of her comments.
The singer told Howard Stern that used to date Tupac and hanging around him made her feel “gangsta.”
The revelation came after Stern asked her why she acting so extreme in her 1994 interview with David Letterman.
She says:
“I was in a weird mood that day. I was dating Tupac Shakur at the time and the thing is he got me all riled up on life in general. So when I went on the show I was feeling very gangsta.”
According to reports, Madonna briefly dated Tupac one year before his tragic death in 1996.
A pump and dump doesn’t equal dating Madonna.
Thank you. I think he smashed and kicked it with her, but I don’t think it was ever dating. Madonna will say anything for attention.
lmao u hell
Madonna has “dated” everybody.
Well at least she says she has. I think she lies most of the time.
2Pac was the typical Gemini. He was very lovable and wise, but also a huge hypocrite.
Why didn’t she ever say this mess when he was actually alive? Ugh!
Meh. If he made her feel gangsta then more than likely she was just a screw.
Girl bye.
She’s just trying to get people to buy her flop album. Her career is hanging on by a thread. She should have retired while she was still on top.
I don’t think dated is the right word.
She gets a little black d-ck and it made her feel hood, huh? Girl whatever.
I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.
Well it’s not like we can ask Tupac if this is true.
I heard this years ago. She’s never said anything about it before but I guess she is talking now because she’s worried about her album sales. This doesn’t change how I feel about Tupac.
I agree
Maybe they did date I mean Madonna has had plenty in her heyday, but I cringe at how she objectifies him. Tupac was a smart man and a deep human being, but all she took away from her time with him was how to curse and talk “gangsta.” Why not talk about how he bought a house for homeless kids to live in? What about all the great poetry he wrote before he passed? Or how he went to the prom with one of his biggest fans? Or how passionate he was about the black community? This just comes off so…shallow and meaningless. But maybe that is the kind of relationship they had. And that would explain why it was so brief. She was with him because he seemed like a fun bad boy to brag about being with at the time and he realized that early enough not to spend too much time with her.
All of this is why I think she was just a screw, if that’s all she took from being around him.
You make some real good points. She does talk about him like he was just with him for cool points.
Madonna does this sh-t all the time. She waits to people pass away and then pretends she dated them or they were her bestie when that is clearly not the case. She did the same thing to Michael Jackson and he couldn’t stand her phoniness while he was alive.
She meant to say f-cked because I’m sure that’s all they did.
Attention whore.
Umm well ok. Is this supposed to make us buy her new album or care about her? I think her time has passed but she’s too prideful to retire.
Eww. Not my baby. Does her v-gina ever close?
LMAO now u sound like Charlotte….but yeah like did her clit leave her damn body being that she’s slept wit both men and women….she shouldn’t even have anymore sex organs they been used so much
I love SATC.
I doubt it. Real Tupac fans know where his heart was right before he was killed. And it wasn’t with no damn Madonna.
LMAO. I guess. Anyway, Empire still outsold her. #PoorDat