By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
With a 9 month old daughter to now include in his life, Chris Brown ended up losing his on and off again girlfriend Karrueche Tran, and she’s made it clear on social media that she’s fed up with her former R&B boo.
While many suspect it’s only a matter of time before the on and off again couple reconcile, Karrueche for now is sticking to her guns, and she’s been acting very single these days with lots of club hopping.
Now she’s adding flirty Instagram pictures to the mix, and Chris isn’t too happy about it:
I know Man Slut of the Year ain’t trying to lecture anybody else on keeping it classy! He’s such a damn disappointment!
Says the guy who is out here sleeping with multiple women with no condoms
Guys like Chris annoy me. They are such hypocrites. Now he sees nothing wrong with him giving his peen away to any and everybody, but she’s the one acting like a thot for one picture? Ugh. Whatever.
The nerve of him saying someone else is acting like a THOT.
Wasn’t he just bragging about sleeping with Rih and Kae at the same time rubber free? No, he’s the thot.
He’s such a hypocrite. Smh.
He is trying to get a reaction out of her.
But she wasn’t a THOT when she was agreeing to do all those threesomes with him though right? N-gga shut yo hoe a-s up. He knows damn well he wrote the booking on being a hoe. He’ll f-ck anybody.
This is classic abuser behavior. He still wants control of her and her body even when they aren’t together anymore. Any smart woman would run from this guy.
He’s so controlling and ignorant.
He tried it. He’s been out here slutting it up for a hot minute.
Chris needs to sit his a-s down somewhere.
She needs to keep paying him dust. But knowing her, she was probably moved by him saying she’s perfect. But she wasn’t perfect enough for him to be faithful to.
Aww look at her little pancake booty.
Takes one to know one.
Who does he think he is? LOL.
This probably turned her on. I mean she thought it was cute when he had a bodyguard watching her hotel door to keep the athletes away.
awkward pose for alligator arms