By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Jada Pinkett Smith has always been one of the most vocal celebrities on social media, and oftentimes she gets very open on her Facebook account, no matter how controversial her opinions may be.
When Jada isn’t slamming critics of her marriage and downplaying rumors suggesting she has an open marriage with Will Smith, she’s showing love to other celebs and dabbling a little in social commentary.
After praising Taraji P Henson’s Instagram work out snap, Jada then decided to tackle #BlackGirlsRock by suggesting #AllGirlsRock.
This didn’t end well:
These new blacks are annoying.
*rolls eyes* jada….smh….
Jada knows better than this. Can we ever have anything? Seriously.
No, we can’t.
The sickening thing is most of the people who agreed with #AllGirlsRock are white women. Jada ought to be ashamed of herself.
You go from being Tupac’s bestie to kissing white a-s. The f-ck is wrong with you Jada?
I’m starting to think pandering to white people is like some sort of requirement for black celebrities. I mean we have lost Kendrick, Kanye, Common, and now Jada in the timespan of six months. LOL.
Me too.
Sell out.
This happens every year. Black Girls Rock comes on and white people lose their minds. But I love that the first lady didn’t back down like Jada did. And given her position, you would think she would have been the one to do it.
She only did this because white people dragged her for using the #Black Girls Rock tag a few days ago.
So is she really going to pretend like she doesn’t understand the importance of Black Girls Rock? White women are praised every day in the media. They are considered the standard of beauty. I mean just pick up the magazines and let’s not forget who was just Will’s love interest in his last movie. All we are asking for one damn day to celebrate black women on a black network, and white people are mad? Are you f-cking serious? And Jada is such an embarrassment. I gave up on her a long time ago.
We can’t have anything.
Well if we’re going to change it into #AllGirlsRock, eventually we’ll have to change it to #AllBoysRock and then #EverybodyRocks.
This is a terrible message to send to her black daughter.
Not Jada too!!
Not surprised.
Yeah the comments on FB made me mad. Of course white women were praising Jada for this because they can’t stand when we have pride in ourselves. They always have to be superior.
This is so disappointing. Jada always tried to portray herself as someone who is aware of the struggles of black people, but now she’s shucking and jiving like the rest of them.
Don’t brag on your body when you’ve altered your face… that hashtag didn’t even have anything to do with the post for real. I want her to go parent and hush.
Nothing but ignorance.