By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” is known for being controversial thanks to a cast full of folks who aren’t strangers to violence, but it appears that could change soon if VH1 wants to keep advertisers happy.
According to TMZ, the cast must now keep things non-violent, or they will pay for it literally.
TMZ writes:
Production sources tell us the ATL ladies and gents were forced to sign docs agreeing to put their manicured claws (and fists) away … after major advertisers started complaining. Show execs flew to Atlanta 2 weeks ago to lay down the law.
We’re told all cast members who brawl during taping will be cut from the episode without pay and suspended. They could also face possible termination.
Interestingly enough, this change could hurt the popularity of the show, especially since the ratings are on the decline this season.
But some of them need to be popped… Bambi & Mimi for example…. I wonder how long my fav, Joseline will last?
Nikko & his beard too
Welp that’s the whole show right there LOL.
Basically. But I guess they are trying to make the Hollywood one the top show now. Eww.
So they’re gonna force Joseline to use her words instead of those manly-a-s paws! B-tch can’t even talk properly to begin with….how the hell this gonna work?
IDK Joseline has funny one liners too. Her hoe why is u here gif is everything.
lol i agree i love her gifs
In other words, VH1 is trying to ruin this show because Stevie and Joseline want more money. This is such an obvious PR spin.
Exactly. No one cares about LHHATL being violent. It’s like one of the only reality shows that gets a pass from people because it’s always been so entertaining. It’s literally everyone’s guilty pleasure.
This!!!! Like Mona would ever agree to this. Plus, I haven’t heard of advertisers having an issue with LHH. I only remember people going off about BBW but that was a long time ago when people still had standards for reality shows. :-/
Welp LHHATL is on its way out fighting is what makes the show. The show is already getting boring now no fighting it’s definitely on it’s last leg now.
What? I guess they don’t care about ratings anymore.
I don’t believe this. VH1 ain’t about to kill off it’s biggest cash cow.
But people only watch for the fights and draggings. You don’t mess up a good thing.
See this is why K Michelle is missed. She actually could use her words and ruin self esteem with just a few words. Damn I miss her on here.
As dry as this season has been, this ain’t a smart strategy.
Exactly. If the next episode doesn’t pick up, I’m done until the reunion.
I thought I was the only one who feels like this season is lame.
lol not smart
This won’t stick once the ratings drop off. They will burn those contracts in a heartbeat once people stop watching.
If ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I think this will be Stevie and Joseline’s last season.
People only watch for the ratchetness. If they take that away, it’s a wrap. It will be cancelled soon.
Damage control. I bet they will be fighting again at the reunion. They really haven choice if they don’t want to lose viewers.
A mess. We don’t want class from these people. We want them to be ratchets. LOL.
This show is on its last leg.