By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Chris Brown has been trying to stay out of drama since he just won his custody battle against his baby mama Nia Guzman, but now he’s being named as a person of interest in a new assault.
TMZ writes:
The incident went down Monday night outside Platinum 84 Gentleman’s Club in Denver where Chris, French Montana, and Fetty Wap were shooting a new music video.
We’re told a woman, who was not part of the production, claims she was forcibly thrown off Brown’s bus after refusing to give up her cell phone. There were strict “no cell phone” rules, because no one wanted video or photos secretly shot.
The woman also claims her cell phone was broken in the melee.
Law enforcement sources tell us the woman filed a report for 3rd degree assault … and cops say Chris and his entourage are “persons of interest.”
Cops are looking to interview Chris and his entourage soon.
UPDATE: Chris has responded to the report – read tweets from bottom to top:
Smh ….. I can’t even root for this kid…. He’s so lost..
Yes he is.
He just refuses to cut off his raggedy entourage. I really don’t understand his loyalty to them. Their gang banging bums who bring him nothing but problems.
Chris will always be a damn dumba-s. Everything was lined up perfectly for him to be a lil MJ, but he messed it up because he just had to whoop Rihanna’s a-s. It’s been f-ck up after f-ck up since.
Lmao right
I see they are still being reckless over cell phones. Now the last time he actually stole a phone from someone and threw it out the car window. Now he’s lucky he got off for that.
Sigh…he just got joint custody and still won’t remove toxic people from his circle. Very sad.
Chris and his folks r dumb as hell. All they had to do was ask the chick to hand over her phone or leave off of the bus nicely…..and if she didn’t wanna anide by those rules and not get her a$$ off the bus then threaten to call the police, if she still ain’t listening hen actually call he police while parked some place and have her removed lawfully
Now when Nia drag his a-s in court again he needs to blame his damn self.
Terrible. Chris is a mess.
He’s a lost cause.
It’s clear from these comments that no one actually WATCHED the video footage on TMZ. This female was NOT assaulted, but rather kicked off the bus by Security for breaking the rules. Her phone was thrown from the bus yes…so someone may be liable for that only! Smh
Look Team Breezy is in the building!!!! Y’all should be exhausted by now!!!! Lmao
He just can’t get it right. If he’s worried about privacy, maybe he should leave attention whoring groupies alone all together and find a new set of friends. He should also employ security that won’t get him caught up in lawsuits because even though he didn’t do it, that’s next. He’s going to be sued and held responsible for this.
It doesn’t matter if he did the shoving or not. He’s the star and whatever his entourage and security does is his liability. Expect yet another lawsuit!!!! He needs to fire some people and hire better security.
He really has to changed up who he hangs around and who does his security. These kind of things keeps TMZ very busy.
But he is a real criminal! He’s a convicted felon!
He was better off not tweeting anything.
So he doesn’t think domestic violence is a real crime? He needs to take a little break from Twitter.