By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
President Obama doesn’t have to worry about any future elections considering his last term as president is almost over, but Kanye West hopes to be in his shoes one day.
Recently the rapper announced he plans to run for president, and he’s thinking he can prove to the general public that he’s a serious contender.
In the meantime, Kanye has been scheduled to perform at the Democratic National Committee fundraiser in San Fransisco next month, but sources claim the President and his advisers are not here for Kanye’s antics.
Click next to find out how Obama’s camp plans to keep Kanye in line.
lmao how embarrassing
Cut his mic off as soon as he’s done… You know he will try to say something ridiculous…..why invite him on the first place?! He lied about the President having his number ……
Thank you. I really don’t understand why Obama is still dealing with him. How many second chances is Kanye going to get?
I don’t get it either.
Kanye has gotten more second chances than most artists get nowadays. That’s why when he tries to pretend he’s oppressed, I just can’t take him seriously.
Sh-t Obama should have been done with Ye as soon as that self hating idiot compared his whore of a wife to Michelle. People give that uncle tom a past because his music used to be good like five years ago. People are living in the past. In the present, Kanye ain’t sh-t and that’s the truth.
I agree with all of your points.
And this is what Kanye has been reduced to. It’s sad but when he decided to become a clown, this is how people will treat him from now on. In a few years, all the good music he made it in the past won’t even matter anymore because people won’t be able to look past it. It’s almost that way now.
This. Kanye really ruined himself. He really did let his ego get the best of him.
A lot of male Geminis will always destroy themselves in due time. They are their own worst enemies.
Azealia Banks anybody? LOL.
I think Kanye knows better than to try Obama. He will keep it cute because it matters so much to him to be liked by important people. He won’t be happy until him and Kim become Jay and Bey.
Aww sh-t! I hate when he and she cow of a wife come to my city and tie sh-t up. At least with Obama you know it’s the President and why it’s happening. I cannot stand Kanye! Ugh!
This is what happens when you become an attention whore.
Kanye needs to learn how to perform and chill out with the dramatics any damn way it’s too much!
Kanye brought all of this on himself.
Kanye is so delusional.