Watch: Raven-Symoné Goes There

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Former child star Raven-Symoné sure does know how to keep folks talking.

With her current stint on “The View,” she’s learned being controversial pays off and keeps the show in the headlines.

Sometimes it just seems like her goal is to say the most outrageous things possible each taping.

And usually it’s the black community she targets unfortunately.

This time Raven actually made it clear that she thinks it’s okay for employers not to hire people with certain names.

Click next to get the details.

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  1. This fish breathed troll has some nerve talking sh-t when she’s sitting on national TV looking like a got damn cockatoo. I’m telling you this idiot thinks she has to sell herself out to make money but when the show gets cancelled, she will regret all this sh-t because nobody of substance is going to f-ck with her.

    1. Naw she’s more annoying than Kim. Kim won’t be caught dead saying offensive ish about black people. She knows black people are the main reason she eats.

  2. You can’t help what your parents named you…well you can eventually change your name if you want to but not everyone wants to go through all of that.

    1. Yea people could change their name but it’s not cheap….so if you’re out there trying to become employed how are you going to afford a name change ????

  3. So even though “Watermelon-Andrea’s” parent(s) were the ones who named her and she had no say in that. Or that she may be the most qualified candidate for the job, you won’t hire her because if her name????

    I don’t hate this b-tch yet….I still got a ways to go first, but somebody really needs to staple her fking mouth together. If I wanted to hear Ann Coulter I would go to fking Fox News.

  4. This bish got nerve to talk…..if she wasn’t Raven Symone the only job her a$$ would get is 1 at H&M and Forever 21….she isnt even professional in her fckn appearance…how many rainbow colors has this bish had in her head….FOH…idk is it me or is this bish more annoying now since she’s came out as Gay…like how many struggles r u gonna adopt in life???? Lmao

  5. She will say anything to get a rise out of Black Twitter. But in real life it’s turning people off and probably hurting her opportunities outside The View. All money ain’t good money.

  6. I’m glad she’s letting it be known now that she’s a fool. She was able to hide it well for many years.

    1. I saw this on Facebook:

      Dear white people,

      As a 35 year old standing member of the Unbothered Blacks of America Club, I hereby declare, with a unanimous vote from all other Blacks of substance, that you guys are free to have raven-symoné.

      Initially, we were pleased to have raven be a part of our community. From the precocious kid we all grew to love on the Cosby show to the self made multi millionaire who managed to build an entire empire off of being comedic (but goofy), we felt that we truly had a gem amongst us.

      But as time progressed, we began to notice attitudinal changes and inconsistencies that do not align with the standards set forth within our community. From asserting that there are several continents in Africa to now openly admitting that she wouldn’t hire some one with a “ghetto” name (when her own name is hyphenated, has an “alternate” spelling, and makes use of an unnecessary accent…all of which could also be deemed “ghetto”), we’ve absolutely hopped off our last leg of hope with this young lady, and again, wish to pass her straight on over to you…effective immediately. Since you guys are far more consistent with inconsistency and discrimination, we feel that our offer is substantial but do not need to be thanked for it.

      We at UBAC thank you for taking our offer into consideration. Please respond with proper mailing details for package receipt and sign the enclosed documents, which offers detailed biographical information on raven-symoné, a letter of recommendation via stacy dash (a former member of UBAC that we provided you with several months ago), and detailed information regarding our “absolutely no fucking returns” policy, all of which are standard with each offer sent.

      Again, no need to thank us for our generous offer. Typical senses of entitlement lead us to believe we wouldn’t get one anyway.

      You’re welcome,

      Unbothered Blacks of America Club

      PS: you may find it extremely beneficial to offer raven-symoné a few lessons on discrimination within the gay and lesbian community, as her delusions of grandeur may have helped her to forget.

  7. She’ll get her wake up call too. I never understood how some will do anything to put down their own community to gain the ‘favor’ of others. All money isn’t good money.

  8. People should be able to name their kids whatever the hell they want to. Why must we always adhere to white standards? People should be hired because they are qualified for the job anyway. F-ck a name.

  9. Different cultures have different names. It’s not that serious but I see Raven is always going to side with white people.

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