By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Former “Basketball Wives LA” star Draya Michele decided to walk away from the VH1 reality show after falling out with the majority of the other ladies, and she feels like being on a reality show brought too much negativity into her personal life.
While she’s away from VH1, she’s booking roles in upcoming films and her love life with Orlando Scandrick has vastly improved.
However, the couple still hasn’t set a wedding date.
Click next for the details.
Sounds like bullsh-t to me.
If you say so girl.
Sure Draya, sure. LOL.
Well if that’s what they are both cool with, cool.
Lol yea. Ok.
Why is ET even interviewing her she ain’t did sh-t but be on a wack a-s reality show and star in low budget films her man ain’t even a star in the NFL smh it’s so easy to get put on nowadays that’s why all these thots so thirsty.
*blank stare*
Good for them! That is the smartest thing they could do, wait on getting married. Specially with the ups and downs they’ve had. Marriage should never be taken lightly.
Well they have to stop breaking up weekly first before they can actually get married.
I think they are doing the right thing. They realize they break up too much to rush into marriage.