By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Real Housewives of Atlanta” newbie Kim Fields is seeing first hand that being a rookie on the hit reality show can be pretty difficult to maneuver.
However, the transition has been harder for Kim because as she spends more time with the other housewives, she realizes how much she misses her husband and kids.
But Kim wants to defend the constant tears.
Click next for the details.
Kim is not fit for RHOA! I don’t know who thought it would be a good idea to cast her but she is so out of place!
You’re just salty she checked Kenya. But you’re right, she’s out of place. Truth be told she’s too good for it.
Kim means well but I don’t think she really sat down and thought everything out. RHOA is not the right show for her. And that’s a good thing.
I don’t know what she was thinking. LOL.
Does she need the money? I just can’t understand why she’s there.
I think she does. I don’t think her husband works and her career has cooled off. One of their houses even went in foreclosure.
She has to need the money. There’s no other reason she would do a reality show.
She is overthinking things.
Kim just lost herself as a Mom, wife and career woman and now needs to figure out how to get back there. I think the ladies just took her completely out her comfort zone and she didn’t know how to react. I love that she’s unafraid to call them out, but I’m still on the fence if she’s right for the show.
I agree! It’s easy to become enmeshed with your family life, especially when you truly enjoy being a wife and mother. Those on the show that have the privilege to be happily married are still miserable and those who are not mothers or wives are envious that they don’t have that kind of relationship so all they can do is bash what they don’t understand.
She’s boring tbh.
I haven’t been watching but it sounds like Kim is realizing quickly that she doesn’t belong there and she can’t relate to those women. Maybe OWN would have been a better fit for her.
I don’t think they are going to ask Kim to come back for another season. Just wait on it.
Kim is better than that,she was raised by a strong black women with values aND respect,what happen Kim guess she just needed the money heard about her money wowes.get out Kim you are so much better than this.
LMBO! Kim makes me laugh. She really had no idea what she was signing up for. She needs to walk away after this season and do a reality show with her family.
What the hell is Kim doing on this show? It’s like some kind of joke or prank because she sticks out like a sore thumb.
Go home Kim. You’re not cut out for this ma’am.
She cries way too much for me.
I can’t say if this is happening or not, but this is the way things started with Teddy and Tina Campbell before his cheating came out and even then it was obvious. Her always in her feelings about her husband and her need to be home with him all the time. All the emotion from Kim about her husband just seems so familiar here, but who knows.