By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Many working actors will tell you their dream accolade is an Academy Award, but there’s always been controversy surrounding actors of color lucky enough to walk away with an Oscar.
To some skeptics, it just seems like most black actors have to take on demeaning roles to nab the honor.
And now that the 2016 nominees have been revealed, there’s not a single actor of color in the running.
Click next for the details.
And this is why I don’t watch.
A damn shame. That’s why are these award shows are flopping in ratings.
Not surprised at all . That’s why minorities need to come together and create their own version of the Oscars .They only win playing SLAVES , SLUTS , RAPE VICTIMS, DRUG ADDICTS , CON ARTISTS. DOMESTIC ABUSE VICTIMS , AND ANY OTHER STEREOTYPICAL CARICATURES . They need to level the judging playing field . Side note: I’m rooting for Leonardo , it’s past time that they honor that D A M N EXCELLENT ACTOR . I’M NOT WATCHING THAT WHITE WASHED CEREMONY . # BORING ANYWAY
I’ll be glad when black people stop watching this sh-t. These awards don’t mean sh-t. Hell most people are cursed after they win an Oscar. As long as you can keep getting work for 20 years plus, f-ck that award sh-t.
Damn. I’m not surprised though.
People still watch the Oscars?
I sure don’t. It’s dry and boring.
I won’t be watching anyway.
This isn’t the first time this has happened. And I know it won’t be the last. We as a people have to stop watching and giving the Oscars so much clout. I will not watch this year.
To be quite honest, the Oscars don’t mean as much as they used to. That’s why the ratings get lower each year. Let them have it. In about 20 years, I doubt the Oscars will even be around. Like Ms. Jackson said, what’s more important is getting consistent work over the years. And hopefully more black actors will start to see the importance in working behind the scenes too so we can get more diverse films and TV shows. I don’t care about the Oscars anymore.
Not surprised at all. I don’t watch any award show anyway. They’re not like they used to be