By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Golden Globe winner Taraji P. Henson is clearly on fire right about now, and it’s all because she’s nailed her role as Cookie Lyon on FOX’s smash hit “Empire.”
Although many of her peers are happy for her success, rumor has it Taraji’s winning streak may have caused Halle Berry to get new management.
Click next for the details.
This happens all the time in Hollywood. Halle’s career is on the decline and she knows her time as the It girl is long gone. She needs a manager who can focus on her and get her back on track. It’s no disrespect to Taraji.
Sounds believable. I feel bad for Halle. She was literally everywhere at one point.
This is Taraji’s time and I don’t fault Halle for switching managers she has every right to look out for her own career. I don’t blame the manager for focusing more on Taraji right now Halle had her time. Nobody is at fault this is just the circumstances business is business.
This is pretty standard. Taraji is doing the damn thing right now and Halle is falling off. It sucks but that’s Hollywood for you. We only get like 3 big time black actresses at once. And Halle had her time on top.
Halle used to be the black actress everyone wanted in their movies. Then the Oscar happened and it’s been downhill since. That’s why I don’t get why black people wants Oscars so bad.
First of all I know for a fact halle is the most jealousesour egg I have everbeen introduced to wowo halle hates when another young female is better looking then her, second i can just see vincent now telling halle well halle you got anoscar and i dont have time to focus on you you have done it but of course halle probably threatened to leave first ans vincent her old manager said ok leave then halle; third thing Taraji is talent see is not doing the crap movies Traji is doing really hugh TV and HUGE box office and Person of Interest was for the everyone except the black audience that is whytaraji is doing so well because taraji canwork with an all white cast because she has real talent and you do not even see taraji as black frankly i seen taraji as white and just an artist if you can understand that plus the series lasted its on its season 5 , vincent FINALLY sees halle is not a good actor and has no talent, frankly i think halle pad for that oscar, i mean paid cash to the academy just like she paid for her star on hollywood boulevard, vicent is awake but its not because he is really doing anything for Taraji, Tarajis talent and hard work is having directors call for her, its sure not vincent making any calls; cinvent had to beg for jobs for halle, and if you have to beg you do not ever get the work, directors are calling for taraji, so taraji could even be her own manager
Wow why would Taraji P. Henson be a reason why Halle Berry decided to part ways with her manager of 20 years????
Halle Berry’s net worth is $80 million and Taraji P. Henson net worth is about $5million.
Apparently Halle’s former manager did something right he increased her net worth to $80million. Also Halle probably wanted new management which is not uncommon with A List actors and actresses.
First of all Halle Berry is an Oscar winning actress worth over $80million++++++.
Wow why would Taraji P. Henson be a reason why Halle Berry decided to part ways with her manager of 20 years????
Halle Berry’s net worth is $80 million and Taraji P. Henson net worth is about $5million.
Apparently Halle’s former manager did something right he increased her net worth to $80million. Also Halle probably wanted new management which is not uncommon with A List actors and actresses.