Solange Knowles is Fed Up

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Solange Knowles is known for speaking her mind at any given time when she feels it’s necessary, and social media continues to be the perfect platform for her to express her views.

Hours ago she had some words for white hipsters who don’t respect R&B music.

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  1. Don’t bite the hand that feeds her? Is this white man serious? Does he not understand how much black people have contributed to all genres of music, including their favorite rock and roll? Ridiculous.

  2. I really appreciate the fact that Solange speaks her mind. She could easily stay quiet not to bring attention to Bey and Jay, but she doesn’t let that stop her from speaking up for black people. Very admirable.

  3. I really like Solange as shes genuine and speaks truth. It’s shameful her selfish sister kinda holds her back. But her time is up so hopefully Solange can shine in her own right.

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