Elton John Comes for Janet Jackson

Photo Credit: Facebook
Photo Credit: Facebook

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Living legend Janet Jackson is often hailed as one of the greatest performers of all time, however not everyone in the industry is willing to give her props.

Elton John had some interesting words for Janet’s performing abilities in a recent interview.

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  1. Elton can shut his old a-s up. I’d give my last dollar to see Janet perform and I think most feel the same way.

  2. He needs to speak for himself. I’m always up for a Janet concert. Meanwhile I have no desire to see him live.

  3. He sounds like a jealous Queen….just mad the only shyt he has to shake is that fr his butt…..he needs to have several seats in the nose bleeds…

  4. He’s said something similar about Madonna in the past. It doesn’t change my opinion of Janet in the least bit though.

  5. He’s always been trash to me. Extremely overrated. Now Janet, that woman can put on a show and her catalog sh-ts on his.

  6. Well let’s be real here, Janet can not sing. All she does is whisper but we don’t mind it because she can dance. She’s better than Madonna too. But he can’t stand Madonna either so I guess it was only a matter of time before he came for Janet too.

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